Prologue (cont.)

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I faintly heard a rustling as I woke up a bit. Barely conscious, I didn't see Damon as he snuck up behind me and jumped on my bed.
"Wakey wakey Scout!" He shouted, shaking me to full consciousness.


My brother took that time to waltz out of my room.
I grumbled about him being an idiot before getting ready for school.
I put on a creme sweater and jeans, with my glasses and boots. I put my hair in a bun, and remembered the party as I looked in the mirror at myself.

It was tonight. Friday.

I had a plan, and I would probably be fine. I gave myself a reassuring nod, before tripping down the stairs to the kitchen. I grabbed some toast and made myself tea. But caffeinated tea, I'm a real rebel like that. Earl Grey was my favorite kind. Call me a monster, but I put honey, sugar and Carmel coffee creamer in it. Very sugary, but I couldn't care less. Walking out the door, I grabbed my bookbag.

School was normal, with people whispering about the senior party. I've been going to this school since the ninth grade, and I'm very glad to be graduating, because high school is literal shit. Especially since I have no friends, I'm made fun of, and a demon having an existential crisis every day. Being a demon isn't easier than being human, so it's not like I know everything and don't have to study and can just snap and BAM exam done. I have to learn trigonometry and all those really useful subjects. If I could compel my math teacher to raise my grade, trust me I would because I hate math more than life. I just can't do math. I can kill by just looking at someone, teleport, make shadows, and control darkness, but I'm sorry, I cannot find x. It's a wonder how I passed Algebra. Other subjects I'm friggen amazing, just math, I can't deal with it.
Trigonometry is my last class, so I leave school physically and mentally drained. It's a fun time. The bell finally rang, releasing me from the triangles.

I practically ran out of that class.

I was so close to my locker until everything I was holding decided to waltz on out of my arms and go all over the floor.

I dropped all my books.


I bent down to pick them all up. By now the sea of students where all going home, and it was amazing how fast everyone left for the weekend. And here I was, picking up paper like the cool kid I was. God I'm a disappointment to life. It was only until I heard snickers behind me that I noticed I was not alone. 

I was book checked wasn't I?

I mentally smacked myself in the head. How dumb was I not to realize books don't miraculously fall to the ground?

I'm really concerned for myself.

I turned only to be faced with Mark and his friends Tyler and Luke. Well, at least it was less of his usual crowd. I mean, he usually had 5 other guys with him. Maybe they took shifts?
Great logic there smartass.

I giggled a bit thinking about them all meeting to set up a shift schedule. What happens if someone is sick? Do they get breaks? How long is one shift?

I was broken out of my dumb questions when I noticed they were now directly in front of me, and didn't look very happy that I apparently giggled at them.

I'm honestly going to get myself killed one day. 

Demon or not, I'm a smartass that can't stop myself from making dumb remarks in my head that make me react really stupidly in any situation. 

By now I took it upon myself to do something. Taking in the situation, I quickly figured if I just ran away, I mean hey, they'd be too shocked to do anything right?

So my legs just took that as a sign to just book it down the hall to my locker pushing right into Mark and almost knocking him over as I ran the back the way they came. 

Before I could tell myself what a stellar plan that was, I scrambled my bookbag out of my locker, shoved some papers inside, and ran outside the back exit.

Sadly the three boys had split up, and I was now aware I had gone out the one damn exit Mark took. I saw him right infront of me, his back facing me.

I could just tiptoe backwards like a ninja, and he wouldn't see me, and I could run like hell home. I slowly walked back to the exit, careful not to make a noise.

Only I didn't realize some idiot left a friggen football out, and I tripped right over it, slamming my ass right on the asphalt, my bookbag landing beside me. Mark immediately turned around and saw me.

My eyes widened, and I jumped up with superhuman speed, and ran to the staff parking lot behind the building, but I was too late, as Mark grabbed my arm, effectively making me drop my bag, and slam against the wall. 

I kept my gaze down. I didn't even know if it was him who book checked me, and I really don't know why I decided running away wouldn't make them suspicious and chase me. I almost smiled at my situation. Almost. My chin was lifted up gently, and my eyes met Mark's brownish gold ones. He was right infront of me now, holding onto my arm, as I stood with my back against the wall.

"Yes?" I squeaked.

He smirked. "Why were you running from me? Scared?"


"Hmm, wanna try that again without stuttering?"

"No. I'm not scared. I was just going home, so if you could let me go, I'd appreciate it," I said looking right into his eyes.

He looked a little taken back. "I think that's the most I've ever heard you talk," he said letting my arm go.
I fell forward a bit but caught myself.
He chuckled. "You really need to stop tripping all over me H," he said mocking me, as he turned and left, a devilish smirk on his face.

I hate that man.

I frowned, and quickly walked home. I wish he would leave me the hell alone before I did something I'd regret, such as maybe killing him, or slapping that annoying smirk off his face.

I made it up to my room and collected myself before rummaging through my closet for a dress to wear to the senior party.

It took me forever until I found a pretty much suitable black cocktail dress. It had a halter top, and full skirt, with the back cut out. I was fairly sure no one would recognize me in something so 'scandalous '. I decided on my black lace up heels, and wore my hair down. I did a black Smokey eye, and wore red lipstick. There was literally no way anyone would recognize me. My plan was to act like everyone else and ask Mark why he never left me alone. Simple. In and out.

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