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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa

Was my first distinguishable thought the morning that followed.

I slept with Marcus Skylord.
The guy that had been practically bullying me since I started going to high school.
And I let him sleep with me.


That's a fun word.

That was my next thought. I really need to get up. To my right, slept Marcus Skylord, looking too innocent and peaceful to ever cause the downfall of one persons entire life.

I had to admit, he looked adorable sleeping.

And watching someone sleep is a totally normal thing to do Hunter.

Gathering my self slightly, I slipped out of bed quietly, and found my dress on the floor.

I threw it on as quietly as I could, and grabbed my shoes. I took one last look at Mark, and sighed.

He was different, I had to give him that. His back was facing me, and I could see his soft hair sticking up everywhere. If I wasn't trying to sneak away, I would have laughed at how it looked.

I closed the door quietly before he could catch me, and made it down the stairs, avoiding leftover cups of alcohol. I honestly did not know who's house this was, but luckily, no one was around to question why I was here. Once I was outside, I bolted to my brother's car, and climbed in. Just as I was about to drive away, I saw Mark looking at me from the bedroom window. I tried to avoid his eyes, but he knew I saw him.

He smirked, and gave a wave. I felt my cheeks involuntarily heat up, and I know he saw that too. Before I could embarrass myself further, I pulled away, and drove back to my house. I slammed the car door, and immediately regretted it, because it made the loudest damn noise, and then my hangover caught up to me.
I dragged myself inside and up to my room, and threw myself in the shower after ripping my clothes off.

Thankfully Damon wasn't here, and did not witness my hungover ass coming home.

"God Hunter, you stupid idiot, what the hell did you do to yourself?" I scolded myself in the shower. "Fucking hell, I go somewhere to do one damn thing and he fucking comes out of no where and puts my plan to shit. And of fucking course, let's not forget, me being the responsible goddess of lust I am, I fucking sleep with him too! JUST FOR GOOD MEASURE YA KNOW? Because why the HELL NOT?" I screamed.

I hung my head in shame.

I make fun of girls who sleep with him and now, me, who hates him, has dreamed of killing that son of a bitch, has slept with him. And why? I have not a single. Fucking. Clue.
I stepped out of the shower, and dried myself off, before putting on sweats, and a jumper. I brushed my wet hair, and put it in a bun, and then threw myself on my bed and proceeded to throw a tantrum like a five year old, screaming into my pillows.

Once I was done, I made mac n cheese for myself, because it was my comfort food, and noodles make me happy. I ate in my bed and grumbled around until I could faintly recall what exactly went down last night. I remember wanting to leave, and accidentally drinking alcohol instead of water. The rest was a bit fuzzy. One thing that I remember without fail though, is saying something in a register too low for a normal human to hear, and Mark answering me. That I could not make sense of.

He couldn't be a demon, if he was he would never of messed with me, he'd be able to sense my power. A perk of being the Angel of Death. He could be some other supernatural, but I doubt it, because then I would have sensed it, and with him, all I sense is a different but cute high school boy.
I mean, he is cute, hot really, but less of a friendly innocent cute, and more of a dark sinful hotness, like,--

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