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I groaned watching the same guy ride a bike down the street for the 20th time today. 

Indoor surveillance was so boring. I had spent the whole week watching the same three 'suspicious' blocks of road, but the most suspicious activity I had seen so far was a group of kids riding their bikes up and down the road, occasionally falling from trying to pop a wheely, and eating shit. 

I sighed and skipped the feed up to the live recording. There wasn't too much traffic on the road, so the frame remained the same most of the time. I was about to close my eyes and take a very long blink when a girl came up to sit next to me.

"You're Huntress right?" She asked, sitting down. 

"Yeah, Hunter's fine," I said, a little confused. Who was this girl?

She must of sensed my confusion, "My name is Leah, I've been working with a few DOBS agents regarding the footage of that street you're monitoring. Seen anything strange yet?" She asked.

I shrugged, "Not really, unless you count seeing a kid fall off his bike about 6 times this week. You'd think he'd give up on that riding with no hands trick, but he never does," I said. 

I thought about her name. Leah. I thought I heard it before. 

Suddenly it clicked. 

Liz told me about me her. Mostly that she was a bitch I think? 

"Hey, aren't you like the top DOGS ambassador or something?" I asked, turning to her.

"Oh, yeah, that's me," she said giving a smile. "Don't worry though, I'm totally easy to work with," she reassured me. "I'm doing some field work right now actually, and need a little favor," she said, leaning forward. 

"What can I do for you?" I asked a little annoyed. She seemed really full of herself, and it was pissing me off, even if I was a newbie with no ground to stand on.

"I'm just looking for someone, and they should be around this area right about now," she said pointing to my screen.

I just nodded, and went back to my boring footage. It was kind of unnerving that Leah was starring over my shoulder. I didn't know what the fuck she was looking for, unless she was doing a case on a gang of kids recklessly riding bikes on public sidewalks. 

"THERE!" Leah yelled suddenly, scaring the shit out of me.

I paused the feed, "What?" I sad, turning to her.

She pointed to a man, just barely in the video frame, "This guy, he's the one we've been looking for," she said, excited. 

I nodded, pretending to understand. Leah grabbed my shoulder looking me in the eyes. "You're gonna watch him for me hon. Text me everything he does," she said.

"Um, yeah sure," I said even though she didn't really give me choice. 

"I've got to call my DOBS correspondent to get on the scene, just keep me posted kay?" she said, scribbling down her number, before running out of the lab. 

"Okay," I said to no one in particular. I took out my phone and put her number in, texting the location of the man in the video. I switched my camera feed to further down the road to keep the man in the frame. It wasn't very hard to keep track of him, he was standing in one place, sometimes pacing. 

Leah didn't seem too bad, just a classic case of narcissistic bitch. I'd dealt with them plenty, and they never really caused me too much trouble. Just really fucking annoying.  

It was almost half an hour later when I saw some guys in dark glasses gang up on him and take the guy I was supposed to be watching into what looked like an undercover cop car. I texted Leah what happened, but I was pretty sure those guys where her correspondents, as one of them blew my camera a kiss, and waved. 

Stupid DOBS. 

A while after not hearing anything back, Leah came back into the lab, sitting next to me. "You look like you could use some time out of here huh?" she said out of no where. 

I nodded a little confused, "Yeah it sucks being stuck on surveillance," I said. 

She scoffed, "Well come train with me then silly," she said smiling. 

I looked at her, squinting a little, "Why would you want to train with me? Aren't you like the best agent in the DOGS?"

She gave me a pitiful smile. "Aww, I see I have a fan. Don't sell yourself short though, I want to scope out the competition. I saw you were just added to some of my training classes and wanted to see the talent Martha keeps gabbing about at meetings for myself," She said patting my arm. 

So the true intentions where coming out. I didn't know if I should take her words as an insult, but I figured this would be a good opportunity to prepare for my new training classes if I was training with the top agent around. 

I gave Leah a smile, "Yeah of course, sounds fun!" I said, mustering the most bubbly smile I could. 

"Great, I'll meeting you on training court 7 in like 10 minutes kay?" She said getting up before I could answer.

I nodded to myself as she left, shut down my computer, and clocked out.

 I really wanted a chance to punch this girl. 

I practically ran to my room to get changed into my training clothes. Once I was changed, I walked down to the training area, looking for court 7. Sure enough when I found it, Leah was there, stretching. 

I walked over, stretching a little myself. "Thanks for inviting me to train, I'm grateful for any help I can get honestly," I said, giving a thankful look. 

Leah gave me smile, "Yeah of course, totally happy! Us girls have to help each other out around here," she said. 

I knew my gut was telling me this girl was bad news, but I willingly ignored my gut feeling because she was the one who offered to train, and I honestly did need all the help I could get, even if it was from her. She must have something to show for if she's the top agent in DOGS. 

"So how about you just show me what you've got?" She said, stepping up to the mat. I nodded eagerly.

 I glanced over my shoulder for a second, and some girls gathering around the court to watch. I could tell they were talking about me, as it wasn't my first rodeo. I've spent a lot time watching people talk about me behind my back. 

I hardly had time to refocus when Leah took a jab at my face, whipping my head to the side. I could hear the laughs as the room started to spin.

Now I could see why Liz called her total bitch. This was a set up for everyone to watch as she beat the shit out of the newbie.

Gotta love good old fashioned bullying and hazing. 

"Aww, did Martha's little pet get hurt?" Leah said mocking me. 

I glared and cracked my knuckles. 

So she thought Martha was babying me. Probably felt threatened. Okay. Still didn't excuse a solid right hook to the face, but I digress. Maybe that's just how they do things here, how would I know?

 Either way, I was game. 

I shoved Leah back, hard, knocking her down. "I dunno, did you get hurt Miss Number One agent?" 

Leah pressed her lips in a line, and got back up, clearly pissed that I just knocked her on her ass in front of everyone. 

"You're gonna regret that," she hissed at me.

I almost laughed. 

Like I hadn't heard that before. 

"Huh? That's strange," I said scrunching my nose. " I don't think I will."

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