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Once we were outside and walking down the street, Liz started punching a fence.

 "Those stupid boys at the DOBS think they're the kings of the Earth. They don't have to do anything because they're the government's golden boys, while the DOGS are out here doing double time to get any form of recognition. Gods, they're all just so full of it!" Liz yelled.

I grabbed her arm pulling her away from the poor fence. It was not looking too good from her ambush. "Hey, Liz, come on. We'll show them up, don't worry. When's the next tournament?" I asked.

She looked at me and laughed. "Hunter," she wheezed. "You can't seriously think you'll be eligible for the next tournament, right?" She said, laughing.

I gave her a confused look. What was so damn funny about me wanting to be in the tournament?

"Gods Hunter, it's November now, the tournament is in January. You just got cleared to start really training. It takes years to be at the top of the leader board. How are you become even close to number one in two months?" Liz said.

"Well I'll try my damned hardest," I defended. I could do it if I really wanted to. I could do anything. I'd show up everyone who stood in my way.

We walked to supposed warehouse after Liz stopped mocking me, and cooled down. It kind of hurt that she seriously did not believe I stood a chance at entering the tournament. What was so hard? I've been kicking ass for a living. There's a lot I've learned since high school.

"There he is," Liz whispered, as we stood behind a fence, peaking at the warehouse. She pointed to a short man walking outside the warehouse on the pavement. I could probably take him out with a flick of the wrist. I must of been looking at him maliciously, because Liz hit my shoulder and said, "Stop looking at him like you could eat him for breakfast, it's disrespectful," she whispered, scolding me.

"Oh so now you're all about respecting people?" I whispered back harshly.

"Just- gods Hunter, stay behind me and be quiet," she whisper-yelled at me.

"Wait, what's your plan? How are you gonna get the keys?" I asked, following her.

She shrugged, "I dunno, I'll figure it out in the moment," she said.

I grabbed her arm, stopping her. "Wait, Liz, I can get the keys. I have a plan," I said.

"Well then what is it?" She asked exasperated.

"Well I can manipulate people into doing things, it's kind of my forte, so I'll just use it on the key guy." I said.

Liz nodded, "Okay, but then how are we getting in?" she asked.

"You know," I said, placing a hand on my hip, "for someone who was just about to waltz in and 'wing it', you seem really concerned about my plan." I said.

Liz rolled her eyes. "Okay fine. How about you get the keys, and get me inside, I look around and scope out the place, get what info I can, and you keep everyone distracted," Liz said.

I nodded. "I'm the Queen of distraction," I said grinning. Liz gave me a nod, and I lead us to the front gates of the warehouse.

Alright, I'll get the keys, you sneak to the side door, and I'll get you in. Then I'll get to distracting." I said. 

"Perfect, my grandpa is the god of sneaking around," she said.

 I gave her a look. 

"It sounded better in my head," she said, before going to the opposite side of the warehouse. 

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