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Mark leaned back and rolled his head over to me. "Do I have to explain? Wouldn't it just be better to live on in oblivion?" He said to me. I let go of his wrist.

This man was really trying to convince me I didn't want to know what kind of arrangement he made behind my back about MY child. 

"Fucking tell me right the hell now Mark. Why did you come here a week ago saying I was sick, and make it out like we're going to school so we can't raise our kid together? I know for damn well we never EVER planned to raise our son together, and we're sure as hell not going away to school."

"I decided it would be best if I made arrangements for you. I know you can't raise a kid, and I'm not gonna do it, so I figured I'd do this for you. I may of told Poppy that we were engaged to get married in a few years after we graduate from college, but you got pregnant unexpectedly. I may have also told her since we're going to different colleges out of state we can't raise the kid together and a few other details to get her to basically adopt the kid and raise him until we were married. "

This was not what I had in mind. "Since when are we engaged? And what college am I going to? Christ Mark, I can't believe you would trick your own sister into taking over a responsibility for you because you're that selfish." I said to him. "You're not doing me a favor, you just want a clean way out, no lose ends, and this your big plan. Well hate to break it to you babe, it's not that simple."

Mark rolled his eyes. "It is that simple. I got all the paper work necessary, filled it all out, and we're all set, so you're welcome, I just got you out of the biggest mistake of your life. Now I won't ask for payment back of course, but maybe you could be a little nicer, don't you think?" he said looking at me. 

This fucking dude. "So that's why you wanted to talk to me at graduation. Not because you actually care about me and our son. You just wanted to finalize your little scheme. Wouldn't I have to sign something to practically give away my child? Where was I when you were doing all this paper work?" I said.

"You didn't have to be there. According to the state, you're an unfit mother, and the child will go to me, or whoever I decide responsible enough to raise him. So no, you don't have to sign anything, but thanks for the offer." He said giving me a grin.

I opened my mouth in shock. Did he really fucking take my rights away that damn quick? "Are you fucking kidding me?" I yelled.

"No," Mark said simply, starting the engine. He pulled onto the road, and I fell back into by seat in shock. 

He really just went behind my back and did that. How could I ever trust him? He's only ever in it for himself.

 I gave up on reasoning and yelling, since I was so tired. I looked out the window in silence for the car ride, as I grew more and more tired from today's events. A part of me was thinking this was great. I would get out of this mess. Mark was right. I couldn't raise a kid, being who I am. I didn't see myself for it either. But it still hurt. Thinking about it, if this worked out, I wouldn't have to ever see Mark again. Maybe I'd miss him a little, his stubbornness, and his taunting little smirk, but I wouldn't miss him being a self centered ass. Besides, we're both from such different backgrounds. We're the worst match in history.

And we're having a baby boy in like a week.

Am I scared for child birth? Well yes, but no. I'm not afraid of pain, I'm just afraid of complications. Like a half demon, human, combination of genes doesn't sound like a good idea, but the ultrasounds never showed a problem. As far as anyone is concerned, I'm going to have a healthy baby boy. I'm not so sure, but I'm just hoping for the best at this point, there's not much I can do. 

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