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When I woke up, I casually threw up in my bathroom, and proceeded to walk downstairs to have breakfast. Today would have an agonizingly slow start, I can already tell. Damon is long gone, which is nice for him, because, now this is just my personal knowledge, but I'm pretty sure that since I'm pregnant, I'm going to keep throwing up and making the house smell like a shit hole.

I think.

I've never done research, because I thought I'd never have kids, but in the books and movies, those girls throw up everything. And let me tell you, Damon hates the smell of vomit. So lucky him, he left when he did. I should've taken a page out of his book of leaving places at strange and unconventional times, and left that party when I told Mark my name.

Hell, I should have left after just opening the front door. But I didn't. And now I'm here. Making toast after throwing up because I'm pregnant.

Today is gonna suck ass.

After eating breakfast, I realized I took so long making toast and reflecting that I had barely 15 minutes to shower, clothe myself, and leave for school. So I ran like hell to the shower, took the fastest shower of my life, and threw on clothes. Luckily, I don't look pregnant yet, so I can wear my normal clothes. I have not a clue of what I'll do when I'm a human puffer fish, but I'll work on that.


I wore a red sweater and jeans, and put on my favorite shoes. My hair was in a half up, half down style, and my glasses were gracing my face. What are my favorite shoes you ask? Ah, I'd be delighted to tell you! They're not basic bitch white converse, but more grayish, with, get this, sparkly thread weaved through. They're shiny. And friggen awesome. The laces are white, but a different kind of shoe lace I'd say, they're more weaved through, and seem a little more strong than your regular converse lace.
ANYWAY, I tied those quickly, but a little know fact about me, I take forever tying my shoes.

I'm pretty sure I washed my face and brushed my teeth, and I was outta there. I did grab my bookbag somehow, because it's with me right now on my walk to school. I got chills walking alone again, since last time I was nearly sold into prostitution, but I live a pretty safe neighborhood. My stomach hurt a lot less, so I guess my child had some sense of decency to make sure their mother didn't throw up in front of all her peers. Sweet kid.

Maybe this will be easier than I thought. Haha, no it won't, this kid's gonna make me look really fat, really soon. As I arrived at my high school, I kept my head down, and walked quickly past the front doors, and to my locker. I put my bookbag down, and grabed everything I needed for my first couple classes. I had tech first, then health, financing, language arts, and then lunch. Of those, lunch was my favorite class. Then maybe language arts. The bell rang, and I went down the long hallways to my tech class. It was way in the back, pretty much in the corner of the school. I arrived, and sat in the back.

Since I was a good student, the teacher never really checked to see if I was paying attention. So naturally I read for the whole period, and then quickly finished the slide show we were supposed to do. Tech is really friggen easy. Financing is boring as hell, and all we do is take notes. I don't take notes, and also read during that class, but I pass every test. The day was moving by at a tiringly slow rate. I ate lunch outside because it was nice. The rest of my classes were boring. Everyone was brain dead from the weekend, even the teachers didn't care today. I didn't throw up, which was a nice change of events. Then after a long time in my trig class, the bell finally rang, releasing us home. I was the last one out, and I was walking down to my locker when I felt my sandwich from lunch rising in my throat. The school was practically vacant, so I ran down the halls looking for a restroom, and made it just in time to empty my stomach into a toilet.

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