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Matteo Amarante was almost a real person. Matteo Muretto was his real name, and he was an agent of the FBI. He was actually from Italy, he grew up there, and his mother really did like red roses. The fake identity started with his father, and his connection to the Italian Mafia. He had been infiltrating them for the past 5 years, coming out of no where, claiming to be the son of Daniel Amarante, a prominent figure in the Mafia back in Italy, who died of a heart attack. The boy, Matteo come to the leader claiming him as his father, and the leader made the stupid mistake of believing him, since he had great training. FBI agents have to be good at stuff like that. So he was a major success, and was made head of a new LA extension, where he was working for two years on getting into the exclusive gang meeting where I met him. The FBI was working on busting it. He needed to find a witness that wasn't exactly connected to the scene. That was where my unlucky ass came in. 

I thought I was going to die. I thought I was dead.

God I wish. 

That fateful night was two years ago. 

Since then the DOGS have taken me in, trained me, and worked me to core. The state testing I did in High School pales in comparison to the amount of government mandated tests I've had to take to prove my loyalty to this program.

Sitting here in solitary reminds me of my first couple weeks at the building. 

They were the ones who shot me out of the sky that day. They cleaned up my little mess, killing an FBI agent and getting rid of my presence at the gang meeting. They cleared my record with the FBI. 

It was messy.

 Or so I'm told. 

I'm interrupted by Martha coming into my cell. "Great news Hunter. You're officially our newest agent. Congratulations, you've worked hard for this, and we recognize your loyalty to our program. I've got your housing arrangements right here," she said with a smile. 

I took the paper, looking at my new ID and badge. Martha placed a hand on my shoulder. "This is gonna be your new home, Hunter. I'm proud to welcome you," Martha said, looking into my eyes.

I liked Martha, maybe even trusted her. She was like a mom. I nodded, and let her lead me out of solitary and up to the ground floor. We took an elevator up to the housing floors. I was on floor six. Apartment 11A. Martha used a key card to open the room, and we walked in together. "You'll be rooming with Elizabeth Caraway, She's out on a field mission at the moment, but will be back at the end of the week. Everyone calls her Liz, I think you'll like her," Martha said to me. 

I walked around the room. It's so strange being a normal looking place after so long. I haven't slept in a real bed in years. I ran my hand against the plain sheets of my new bed. Something caught my eye. A bay window. I walked over to it. There was one overlooking the outside, facing the building next door. The glass was cold. I looked to my right, and saw another window at the end of the room, with a little bench under it, making it a nice nook. I ran over to it, looking at the view. It showed a training field outside. It was a nice desert view. "I knew you'd like a view." Martha said, coming over to the nook. "Since this room is at the end of the hall, it's got a great view outside." 

"Thank you, Martha. Really, thank you," I said, looking up at her. 

She smiled and ruffled my hair a little, "Of course, no problem girly. You're one of us now." She said. Martha left me to my viewing, leaving my new key card, and congratulating me one last time before leaving the room. 

I mulled over my experiences. The DOGS where a top secret government funded organization that took in girls with special abilities. They could foster their powers at the facilities and use them 'good' working for the government, but mainly the organization itself. It was part of an international committee to keep the supernatural safe. Only a select few government officials even knew about the true purpose of the DOGS. Out of the select few that knew about it most beloved it was just a highly advanced training academy. Which was mostly true. Very few mortals actually knew about the supernatural part. Agents of the Academy worked in positions of authority, keeping it tied to the government, and keeping the secret safe. The security measures were intense. The acronym stood for 'Division Of Girls Skirmish' which was fairly accurate as we trained rigorously in combat training among countless other programs. Our counterpart was the DOBS program, Division Of Boys Skirmish. They were pretty strict on keeping the facilities separate, which created a running rivalry. Since we were called the DOGS, they would often refer to the girl agents as bitches, which, honestly, I couldn't blame them for. The girls program fought viciously with the government for their department, since originally, they only wanted men. That meant the girls department had higher values, and the most rigorous training, conditioning, and security I had ever seen. Hence, the female agents were deadly serious. The sneered at our male counterparts, and had a strict policy on letting them in the building. It was ridiculous, but I kind of saw their logic. The DOBS had a little more say in government, since they were more highly regarded, but the DOGS were definitely recognized as the superior training facility. 

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