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So this was Liz. 

She clearly liked Wess, so that was a bullet dodged. "I see you've met Wess," I said motioning to the giant dog on top of her. She giggled, and pushed him off playfully, standing.

"He's adorable. My family used to have great danes, so I'm used to big dogs. Kinda missed having one around. I was thinking of getting one myself. Come to think of it, now I won't have to huh?" She said.

I shrugged, nodding. Wess was giving me a big grin. "Oh, I'm so stupid. I'm Hunter, I should of said."

"I kind of figured," Liz said. She held out her hand. I went to shake it, but was instead wrapped up in a hug. "I'm so excited to have a new room mate! My last one died on a mission, and I really missed the company," Liz said. 

That's nice, her last room mate died. Endearing. 

"I'm sorry," I said, when Liz let me go.

She brushed it off, "It's cool she was kind of a bitch. Don't tell Leah I said that though, she'll have an actual reason not to like me then. The dead room mate and her were kind of friends."

"Who's Leah?" I asked. I had never heard of a Leah. 

"Oh she's kinda like a total bitch, but also the top DOGS ambassador. We have this leaderboard, and she's been on top for like, six years now. I hate her, but I don't let it show. Kinda hard to hate someone with so much power over my job." Liz said moving to the kitchen. "Snacks?" She offered. 

I shook my head, "I'm good thanks." This Leah girl must be the bitch to beat then, if I ever want to go on a real mission and not be stuck running crime reports in the office. 

Liz came into the parlor area, and sat on the couch. She motioned for me to sit, so I sat on a bar stool next to the couch. Wess laid down on a rug behind the couch, tired from playing with Liz. "So, what's your story, Hunter? Interesting name, by the way," Liz said, popping a cracker in her mouth.

"Thanks, the full name is Huntress, but I don't really go by it," I said, avoiding her question. 

"Really? That's a total baddie name. Like that's a pretty tight name," She said. Liz seemed to be pretty energetic. "How'd you end up in a place like this though?" 

I shrugged. "I dunno, wrong place wrong time, I guess," I said looking down. 

"So like, what are your powers?" Liz asked grabbing another cracker. 

I looked at her blankly.

 "Okay, too soon. I totally get it. Well I'll tell you a little about myself I guess, let you warm up. I have severe ADHD if you couldn't tell," She laughed a little to herself, "And my parents are really weird, they're like demigods? So like half mortal, half god, right? So I'm not as powerful as them, cause one of their parents are an actual Greek God, but I'm like kinda messed up with that stuff," Liz explained. 

I nodded. I've heard things about the Ancient Gods still being around, taking different forms. That didn't mean my father was Hades. There are many powerful gods of Death. My father is like a version of Hades, operating on a different level. One thing all us creatures of Divine beings had in common was the plane of Magic. That's one of the only across the board rules. Magic is like matter, can't be created, or destroyed, only used. 

"So I bet you're wondering like, what gods I'm related to right? Well okay okay, I'll tell you. So on my mother's side, it's Athena, goddess of wisdom,war and stuff, and then on my fathers side, it's Hermes, who is like stealing and roads and stuff. So I'm like crazy good with like fighting tactics and stuff, and I'm like really good at stealing apples from the cafeteria," Liz said, sounding very impressed with herself.

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