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I was sitting on my bed, facing Liz.

She was staring at me, waiting patiently, smiling.

I sighed. Here goes nothing. "We used to go out," I said, looking down.

Liz jumped at least three feet in the air. "I CALLED IT!" she screamed.

"Liz, calm down, or someone's gonna yell at us!" I shushed her.

She calmed down, smoothing out her pajamas, and clutching a pillow. "Sorry, sorry. I'm calm now. Go on please."

I shook my head at her. "Well that's all I have to say really. We used to go out, and we had this really awful break up. I hated him. I never wanted to see him again. I was furious when I saw him. I was really caught off guard. I couldn't kill him though. That's why I did what I did. For old times sake. I was with him today, catching up. There's no hard feelings," I explained.

Liz mulled it over, taking in my story. I barely breathed, waiting for her reaction. 

"Catching up, huh?" she finally said, with a wink.

I huffed, "Shut up Liz, it wasn't like that," I said crossing my arms.

She held up her hands, "Alright, alright, say what you want to," she smiled.

I shook my head at her, smiling. "We're all caught up now, right?"

She sighed, "Yeah, I guess so. It's so weird to think about though. Skylord and you? I never would have thought, ya know? It's crazy how it works out."

I squinted, "You know him personally?"

"Well no," she said, "No one really knows him, but he's kinda friend's with Matt, so I see him around sometimes. He's like a legend around here, cause he's been at the top so long. It's so crazy to think his ex came back and knocked him on his ass, huh? Damn," she mused. 

I rolled my eyes at her, smiling. "Whatever, I don't wanna think about it."

She laughed, "That's tough kiddo, cause you're gonna have to do interviews, meetings and a whole bunch of shit since you beat him. Keeping Martha back these past couple days has been no easy feat. Everyone's dying to know what you have to say."

I shrugged, "I don't have much to say, really."

"Think about it, because tomorrow, it's gonna be all they're talking about."

I groaned, and flipped around in my bed. "Don't wake me up until it's over then, kay?" 

Liz laughed at me again, "No promises, your majesty."

In the morning, unfortunately, I did wake up, and Liz was absolutely correct. I was barely dressed before people were knocking down the door, and dragging me into offices, talking to me, asking me questions, and taking pictures of me. I wasn't really saying anything, but people sure were asking. I barely made it to the bathroom alone. 

I was hanging over the sink when someone came in. I looked up, and saw Martha, smiling calmly. "Busy morning?"

I nodded, scoffing. 

She hummed, "Well then, I'd best not press you more."

I sighed, "It's okay." 

Why would I say that? Everything was very far from okay. 

Martha took her chance, "So what have you been up to, tournament champion? Hmm?" 

It took some serious will power to keep from blurting out all the recent events. "Um, Well, not much, it's just a lot to process," I fumbled.

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