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Mark let Poppy know we had to leave, and I watched Jax sleep on the couch. He looked like a little angel. Pale blonde hair spilled all over his head, and I couldn't help but run my fingers through it.

This kid was gonna have some fucked genetics. I didn't even want to think about what he would grow up to be like. 

For now, Jax was just my little boy. Peacefully sleeping.

"Hunter, are you ready to go?" Mark whispered, stepping into the room.

I nodded grimly, and stood, looking at Jax one last time. "I'm gonna see him again, right?"

Mark nodded, taking my hand, "Of course you will."

With that we left, and got back to his car. Once we were on the road, I broke the silence. "Tell me about yourself."

Mark scoffed, "What?"

I rolled my eyes, "Tell me about yourself dumbass. I'd like to know a few things about my ex boyfriend."

"What do you want to know," he sighed.

"Let's start with your abilities. How do you have them, what are they, and oh yeah, how will they affect our son?"

"Well I wasn't born with them, so Jax should be okay on my side. My dad was into genetic engineering, so when I was born he decided to test some gene splicing with me. He worked at a lab where he was studying how to potentially splice certain genes from animals to craft a desired trait, and used his findings on me. I'm lucky I didn't end up dead from all the fucked up shit he injected into me," he spat.

My throat felt dry. What was I supposed to say to that? "So what  designer genes did he give you?"

Mark did not look amused, but answered anyway, "He was mostly interested in avian genetics. My dna was spliced with hawk dna for the preferred trait of wings, and eyesight. It's a miracle I'm not blind. He did other stuff too, just messing with me to the point where I'm not really human. I was born, and designed into the science project he wanted."

I stayed quiet this time. After a moment, I guess he figured I didn't have any remarks, so he continued.

"I lived in my family's basement for pretty much my whole life. I didn't get to go outside much, just for my dad to test my wings. He kept a shotgun with him incase I tried to get away. My sister's didn't do jack shit to help me, and neither did my mom. I was just my dad's project, not a part of the family." He sighed, and continued, "Poppy was the only one who ever showed me any kindness there. It's because of her I even got out."

"I'm sorry Mark, I didn't know it was like that," I said.

"It's okay, no one ever does."

I frowned. Mark didn't look upset talking about his past, just annoyed. I knew him better than that though. He hides things. He doesn't want me to think it bothers him, so he brushes it off, but I know it does. He's difficult to read, but when I'm this close, staring at him, and thinking about his words, I can see right through him.

"Hey, you know you're not alone now, right?" I mumbled.

"What do you mean Hunter?" He asked.

I bit my lip. I'm gonna hate myself for saying this. "Well, I guess I just want you to know I'm here for you, I guess. If you ever, um, need me," I muttered.

Mark laughed, "What are you trying to say?"

I huffed, "I'm trying to say I care about you, and I'm here for you, dumbass!" I crossed my arms and looked out the window immediately. I knew my face was bright red, and I was beyond thankful it was so dark that Mark couldn't see my face.

Mark chuckled a little, and I refused to face him. "Never thought I'd hear you say that, Huntress," he paused, "I guess I shouldn't be surprised though, you did agree to be my girlfriend."

I exploded. "OH MY GOD! I agreed to your stupid idea to protect our son! Not because I have feelings for you! I fucking hate you Marcus! Get it through your head!"

"Well fuck Hunter, I could've sworn you just said you cared about me." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I hate talking to you."

"Better get used to it, what if I need someone talk to? You said you'd be here for me whenever I need you," he mocked me.

"I am never trying to comfort you again. You are such an ass," I complained.

Mark rolled his eyes at me.

Thankfully we were pulling up to the DOGS facility. Mark shifted into park, and I immediately moved to get out, but he locked the door. "What the fuck?"

"What are you gonna tell Liz?"

I squinted, "How the hell do you know Liz? Are you stalking me?"

"Liz is always hanging around a friend of mine, so I know what she's like. He's been bugging me about our connection because Liz has been asking him. I know when you go in there the minute she sees you she's gonna ask."

I threw my head back. "What the hell do you want me to say? I can't tell her the truth. I don't want to tell her you're my boyfriend because I can't imagine saying that to her without gagging."

Mark narrowed his eyes at me. "You're tell Liz we used to go out, and had a bad breakup years ago. That's how we knew each other. You were out with me today, patching things over."

I sat up, crossing my arms. "Fine, but under no circumstances are you to tell anyone we've 'made up', and our fake relationship is back on. We'll check up on each other every week to make sure things are under wraps on both ends. Eventually once everything dies down, we won't do this anymore. Got it?"

Mark smirked. "Understood."

I raised a brow at him, "I'm serious, I don't wanna hear any rumors."

He held his hands up in surrender, "I won't say anything."

I begrudgingly nodded, and unlocked the door. The second I went to open the door he locked it again. I turned back to him, eyes glowing red. "Unlock the fucking door before I decide killing you is a better option."

"You know I care about you, right?"

I stopped breathing. Why can't he just shut up and leave me alone? When he says these things out of no where he catches me off guard.

"Don't you Hunter?"

I squirmed, "Why would you say that?"

"Can we just agree to be friends?"

I furrowed my brows, confused. Friends? "Well, I guess we can be friends." I felt like a complete child saying that.

"So I don't have to worry about you killing me? We have an agreement?" He held his hand out.

I nodded, shaking his hand. "All you do is confuse me Marcus."

He laughed. "I could say the same for you."

He finally unlocked the door, and I waved goodbye, walking into the building. I thought about what he said as I walked to my dorm. He cares about me? I did tell him I cared about him, but that was because I felt bad, and wanted to offer a sort of truce. Does he really care? He is going through a lot of trouble for me with this dumb plan. It's all my fault people are asking about us.

I didn't want to think about him anymore.

That wasn't an option though, because the second I opened the door Liz was waiting, sitting in a chair, staring at me, waiting. "So? Wanna tell me what the hell happened yesterday?"


 sorry i havent been updating i have depression lol. 

 3k reads tho  :o   thank u for reading my story :)




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