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What should I wear tonight?

 I go to my closet looking through a few little numbers, but I'm not sure which one to wear tonight. Black is always a classic. I slide dresses along the bar that holds them, looking at one, and deciding I'm not feeling it, then moving on. Coming up to a faux leather mini dress, I decide it should work perfectly. It's got cut out panels on either side, with lacing keeping it together. I like a platform heel to work in. Not thin so I don't have to worry about the support of my foot too much. Tall enough to see, but still a heel none the less. I begin to plan my evening.

 I say plan, but now a days I just try to remember a few goals and see where the night takes me. It's better that way. I tried keeping it all inside all those years in the past, but who was I kidding? I'm not human, so why should I even try? Letting the inner demon out is so much more fun.

 I didn't take a purse with me since I like to work with my hands. I walk over to my dresser, sliding out the drawer to look at my options. Now with a tight dress there are visibility issues when it comes to holsters, but I think I have a solution. I grab a thin nylon holster with a switchblade and put it up my leg. In the dark no one can see it too well anyway. I walk to the door giving Wess one last look.

 "Be good puppy," I say before shutting the door and locking it. It's not like I need a key anyway. There's a trick to that.

 I waltz down the hallway, taking the stairs over the elevator. There's always more trouble in the stairs. There are a few stragglers hanging around the stairs like always, but I never worry. I walk out the dim lobby, heading out to the street. 

Los Angeles is the most suitable city for me. Everything happens here. Everywhere I go there are lights, people, and energy. God the energy. There's so much it's overpowering sometimes, but I mean I'm not complaining, I love all the power I get off of it. It's like I'm a drug addict in the den you know? 

I don't know what I really am at this point. It's like the second of two extremes. There are things I do that may be wrong, but before it was the same. I'm either too quiet or too loud, so why not just do whatever? People won't like it either way. 

The lights are flashing in front of me before I know it. I don't wait in line long. "Excuse me," I say to the man in front me. "Why aren't you looking good tonight," I continue, stopping in front of him, biting my lip. I feel the takeover of power, my eyes switching from one color to another. "Mind if I scoot past you?" 

He moves to the side as other do too upon seeing my hexing eyes. The security lets me past like a breeze, and I'm in. 

The hottest night club in LA. 

There's an instant rush of energy from the many bodies in the club. I can feel the tension, excitement and lust. Easily there's a drink in my hand before long that I didn't pay for, and I'm on the floor. I bump into a man with rich brown hair, sky blue eyes and a grin that just says 'I'm a total jackass'. This is good. "Hey," I say, "You almost made me spill my drink, doesn't that mean you should get me a new one?" 

He flashes a bright smile. "Well of course, It would be rude not to, follow me baby." 

He leads me to the bar, and sits. "Now the catch is if you want a drink, that pretty little ass has to be seated right here," he says patting his lap. I gave this random dude a smile, and sat my pretty ass on his lap. 

Free liquor is no joke to this bitch.

 Before long I'm at his table, on his lap, boozed up with half a dozen other girls. Only difference between me and them is I can hold my liquor to a point. When that point hits, she comes out and gets the work done. I think she almost here. Mr. Blue Eyes orders one more round of shots, and I down mine fast. I can feel the buzz seeping in. I can feel the takeover in my veins, as my eyes shift to a purple no one else can see in this dark club, and then, I can feel her inside me. Show time.

"I think this is a little boring don't you?" I whisper into his ear. A look. "You don't look like the boring type, and I hate to waste my time, so you wanna show me a good one?" His look changes from confusion to mischief, my favorite. He gets up.

"after you," he says, leading after me to the door. 

I give him a sultry look. 

Not boring at all this one. Not boring at all.


The first thing I feel when I wake up is sunlight. 

I don't sleep in sunlight. 

I am not in my apartment. 

My head is pounding, and I'm beginning to feel the sheets against my skin getting cold. I turn out of the apparent bed I'm in, and onto the floor. Hard wood. Nice, but also very cold on my bare feet. 

My eyes come into focus, and I see a man I don't remember at all. I find my clothes quickly, and catch a glimpse of my favorite sight. A lovely leather square, filled with no doubt some cold hard cash. I open the wallet, collect the hundred dollar bills, and set it down. I grab my heels, and walk down the stairs. Hearing voices around the corner, I carefully look down a side hall. 


The back door is clear in my sights. I walk not making a mortal sound, and clear the door frame, stepping in bright sunlight. I hiss, shielding my eyes, and walk around the apparent rose garden I'm in now trying to find an exit.

 It's a damn shame I don't have enough energy to just conjure wings and fly home, or teleport. Not only does the day drain my abilities, but being in bright sunlight and having a hangover is not a setting for a Queen of the Night to perform any power. 

And that really sucks. 

Because I find myself in this position more than you think.

 Finally I find an opening in the garden that leads to a gate. Luckily, the gate design is an old one, and I can slip through quite easily, almost too easily. I might be getting used to this. I walk, my bare feet on the pavement. I'm coming up to the city now, and luckily the random man didn't live too far from my own home. 

I walk up the old stairs to my loft. I don't live in the prettiest apartment building, but that's fine with me, it's not like I'm ever hosting any parties, only attending them. That's the life. 

I crash on my bed, groaning. Sunlight is streaming from my terrace doors. I make myself slump up from my bed to quickly draw the black curtains, blocking all the light, making my apartment nice and dark. I smile a bit, humming an old song, and land back on bed. 

Boring days like these always lead to more amusing nights. 

I laugh to myself lightly, and rest for the night ahead, sure to repeat the events from the night before, and the nights to continue. 

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