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I narrowed my eyes at her. "What do you mean she's just a human? I thought this was just for supernatural beings?"

Martha shifted, "Leah's family is a large benefactor to our cause. They wanted their daughter to be able to train at our facilities, using their specially engineered crystals to test out, and make her fit into our program more. She's number one because she has to be. She's like a mascot. No one's ever challenged her. Too afraid of what her family might do to their status at the DOGS."

I scoffed. She was just using her family's power to stay on top. "What are they gonna do to me Martha? Kick me out?" I mocked. 

Martha just looked at me. 

"Wait they can do that?" I asked, surprised.

"They can do a lot of things, the Landon's," Martha said.

"Leah Landon. What a boringly average name," I mused.

"Well it's certainly no Huntress Evangeline Mercedes Starton-Black," Martha said, giving me a smile. 

"You memorized it?" I asked, raising a brow. I had just started going by Hunter Starton here because my name was so long. 

Martha nodded, looking back to the sun, which had set now, casting an orange glow to the dusty desert hills. "Its still a good opportunity for you, Hunter. Training with our best agents will help you, not harm you. Plus you'll find yourself in familiar company," Martha said. 

I frowned, "I wouldn't call Leah familiar."

Martha sighed, looking at me. "Belladonna Clark, and Lizabeth Haffer have been chosen and will be training alongside you."

I perked up. "Oh, well you should of just said. Count me in." 

Martha looked almost annoyed, but it disappeared. I'd never seen her anything but serene and calm. She nodded, and got up, turning to walk back inside. "I'll look forward to seeing you in class," she said, leaving me to call for Wess. 

Once I got ahold of him, and we walked back inside, taking the side stairs up to our apartment to avoid encountering anyone who would yell at me for having a dog. I was a little surprised Martha didn't say anything, but I couldn't really see her getting worked up over a dog. Or anything for that matter. 

I crashed into my bed, exhausted from the day. Liz was reading comics, per usual. "Hey Liz," I said, rolling over to look at her. "Do you know Bella's rank by chance?" 

She nodded, "Yeah, she's second I think."

I hummed. I couldn't imagine having to be second to Leah. It would drive me crazy knowing she didn't deserve it. Maybe Bella didn't know. It was clear she didn't like Leah, but she seemed rather tame for having a title taken away from her by that undeserving brat. "Martha said I was picked for that tournament training thing," I said to Liz, who looked up from her comic. 

"Oh? That'll be fun then. You can keep beating Leah up for all of us, it's good entertainment," she mused. 

I furrowed my brows, "Why doesn't anyone pick on her more? She's human for christ sake! You know how easy it would be to kill her with this whole building full of supernatural beings? I can't believe no one's tried," I said, exasperated. 

Liz rolled her eyes at me, "Girl, you know how fast we'd be thrown out of here? No one messes with the Landon's. They're the reason we can stay here. Most of us don't have anywhere go."

I frowned. "I don't care if they throw me out. I never wanted to be here in the first place," I complained, crossing my arms.

Liz laughed at me. "You've made that quite clear after today."

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