[1]Her loud self and taller dongsaeng

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Song for this chapter

Moon U by GOT 7 (Album : 7 for 7 )

* Perfect Boyfriend list *

1-Taller than me! 


"Jungkook-ah take this from my hands. It's heavy. "

EunHa asked Jungkook to give a hand for the huge box she was carrying. That box contained material that she needed for her project work. Her car's tire needed to fix so she had to walk half a kilometer to JungMi's house, leaving the car with driver to repair. Half a kilometer wasn't much but the box she was carrying was heavier than expected.

As Jungkook hurriedly responded and tried to take that box from EunHa's hands, his fingers laid upon hers, causing a spark that was only felt by him.

His hands left the box with a sudden feeling that caused goosebumps all over his body. A red alert or some kind of alarm was blaring inside his head.

Though it wasn't something new. He's been having the same feeling from a while.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook ! Are you scanning the air or your hands screwed holes in them? If any of the articles in this box got even a tiny hairline crack, I swear I'd give you the deadliest headlock ever! "

EunHa shouted as commencing her presence in the house. After hearing her loud shout, JungMi sprinted out of her room to find both of them struggling with a huge box.

"JungMi-ah ! Just help me. Your brother is a dummy. "

Jungkook looked at her loud self, clearly upset by her words forming a fainted pout.

"Don't say that to Kookie, Eunhiee ! He's even taller than you! "
JungMi bantered as she took side of her little brother who was ready to grow his cute tiny pout into a bigger one.

"So what if he's taller, this crab-head is still my Dongsaeng !
She blew her bangs out of her sight as they were hindering her view. As much as she loved her bangs, they would disturb her the most as to mark their presence.

Jungkook helped as the three of them schlepped the box to JungMi's room.

"There, yes. Put it here! "
Then they open the box to see what that mighty box contained. EunHa quickly checked all the articles if they are safe.


"Uh. Ah! Noona le- uh! Noona just leave my ear! "

Jungkook flinched as EunHa kept teasing him, picking his ear.

" Oi Oi My little bunny! "

" Noona is the prettiest, lame and funny! "

"What did you say? "
EunHa snorted as giving another chance to him to think and picked his ear implying more force.

" Ahh ! Uh ! Noona is the Prettiest, cool and funny! "

"Yeah! My Dongsaeng indeed is a sensible guy! "

She smirked and ruffled his hair making a mess out of them. Jungkook reprimanded seeing his efforts ruining which he did for some 'unknown' reason.

That tiny lame poem was formed by EunHa of course and Jungkook was bounded to be partnered.

Though he didn't mind much. It wasn't something he could deny.


So the first chapter is up !
I'd be needing your feedback to keep writing this story .
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