[4]Her confusion and his popping eyes

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Song for this chapter

"Heartbeat" by Suran  

Twist and turn!

Twist and turn!

The time when even Owls were going back to their habitat to take another round of sleep ,
Jungkook and EunHa were still wide awake , twisting and turning–obviously on their own beds .

Wonderstruck by the latest revelation, Jungkook was a personification of the cotton candy with his grinning face and pink-tinted cheeks.

His cheeks were not tired of continuous smiles, that was actually a point of curiosity, because why!

On the other hand, a huge room of a mansion like house was only lit by the moonlight that was fairly pouring on the soft skin (definitely by the nighttime lotions) of EunHa's face. With her cheek resting upon her hand beneath it, she was quietly looking vacantly in the air.

Source of all these blown winds was the same but the feelings that it arose were different for both.

A hug that made Jungkook stunned and made him feel the whole zoo fluttering in his stomach, at the same time, it confused EunHa. She was confused with what she felt when she initiated the hug.

When her eyes closed leisurely then she buried her head in his chest and mumbled those words.

And when she pulled away from him, still leaving something unsaid.

I need to give a halt to my thoughts. She thought as she turned away from the pearly moonlight that was trying to unveil more than expected.

A little more to accept.~


Jungkook got up as fresh as he almost sauntered to his bathroom to do his morning rituals. Even he slept a little , may be a nap of two or three hours but dude , he was fresh like he just came back from a morning stroll in some heavenly beautiful hillside.

Though it was kind of same for him.

After his morning usual, he checked his phone to see another notification popped up, showing EunHa's recently uploaded FMV.

He literally chocked on air when that video ran , noticing the one she was shipping his 'bias' with none other than his own group mate , yeah right , Just another guy !

What's with EunHa these days?
He thought as he grimaced on the immature self of the girl he adores. He couldn't like this video nor share because this time he was actually scared as hell for his reputation.

A roll of unbroken coughs and gasps hit him when he saw the points she was listing to 'prove those guys as an actual couple'.

Why the hell she's up to sentencing them gays!

'Indirect Kiss'

The clips under the title left him dumbstruck as he mindlessly touched his lips with his finger.

The clips shown were actually about them eating from the same spoon , drinking with the same straw , or from the same bottle or wiping crumbs from lips and putting in the their mouth ( just for the purpose of cleaning finger) .

(Shipper spotted! XD)

All the unicorns geared up their wings and flew to remembrance of the moment when he took out the remaining sandwich and ice tea from his bag that he treasured because EunHa bought this for him.

Then he focused on 'remaining'.
And that she had already ate from sandwich.
Shared straws!

I.n.d.i.r.e.c.t K.i.s.s

Jungkook threw himself back on the bed and his eyeballs bulged out of their sockets when lightning struck his thoughts.

"If we really did in-indirect k– uh, then why did she –"

"If she thinks that way then why-why on earth she gave me her f-food?"

The morning sun stared him pityingly and shrugged his imaginary shoulders as he too didn't know that why on earth EunHa did this?


Chapter 4's up !
Oh it took almost 5 days I guess since I updated last chapter. Oh my I was hella busy in my studies . And I still am .
Mianhe !

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