[21]First Move

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Her giggling to herself was now hitting many to doubt. Unlike previous days, when she was totally unlikable to even look at, now her entire persona was glimmering in the bright light. Passersby would turn their heads to cast a second glance at the Enchantress, only to get a sharp glare by Jungkook. They'd be together in the morning, after classes and every spare moment they'd find between their schedules.

So today they were together again because she had no class for almost an hour and his professor relieved them early.

She was struggling in her mind for what she should call him now, Jungkookie the nickname she had given him or simply Jungkook. But wouldn't it sound a bit strange. I mean both of us are not used to –

She squirmed in her seat. How can he say my name with so much confident gathered in his voice? We were never used to this too.

"Why are you so quiet today?"
He asked with so much worry rendering his voice. She looked up towards him and shook her head.

"It's nothing. I'm not really quiet. Look I'm talking. "
She smiled. The thing she would always do whenever her eyes fall on his face. This is how Jungkook was, so pleasant to have around. The calmness of his voice, the innocence of his face makes her fall for him every day, even harder. But his personality, his firm decision and his wise talks were no joke. He was a guy with the age of almost 19 but he possesses the maturity of a gentleman. He was caring. He was sweet. He was just everything she need.

"You spaced out so much. No?"
He pulled her back from her Imaginia and she averted her eyes towards her lap, flustered at how long she's been gazing at him.

Jungkook on the other side was struggling to grab his left out confidence and say another sentence. She wasn't talking much today. Although it was the routine since her birthday. Was she shy? He shrugged away such thoughts. How can she just shy away his talks?

He shrugged away this thought too and focused to think if he should hold her hand by now or not? Obviously he wanted but the fact holding him back was, they weren't a thing yet. The topic of being in a relationship wasn't in their talk since the day one.

Or maybe they were still stuck to the Day-0 period.

She resumed talking hesitantly and he continued jumbling his brains if he should make a move yet or not.

"That cake was nice." She tried to break the ice.
"Yeah, Uh. T-Thank you! " , He sheepishly smiled , retreating his arm back which he was pretending to stretch but aiming to place on her shoulder . Where's your newly found perennial confidence, Jungkook?

EunHa was trying to talk but Jungkook wasn't really helping. His hands were itching to just hold hers and whenever he'd get the chance she would just─move away.

She wouldn't slap him right, if he'd hold her hand?

"I talked with JungMi last night. She's just wrapping up to come back. "His hand was almost there to grab hers when she suddenly shifted it to tuck a stubborn flock of hair behind her ear. He hissed silently, almost giving up.

She sighed audibly. It was her last attempt to initiate a talk but getting no response from Jungkook was turning her off. She stood up. He came back to his senses watching her leaving.

"Eun–" her name strangled to come out of his mouth. "W-where are you going?"

She turned around. A soft frown decorating her glowing forehead. "Do you care?"

A slight frown appeared on his face too, trying to process the situation.
"Here I'm trying to make a talk. But you aren't even helping. Is this how other guys do? "

Oh EunHa!
She was complaining because she thought he wasn't giving her attention. Only if she knew what he was struggling to do all this time...

"I'm going to eat something. Are you coming? "
She concluded. She wasn't in the mood to fight for so long. She would never like to be this way with him again.

He on other side, was amazed to see her like this after so long. A smile emerged on his lips wrapping all of his emotions. What else she needed to cool herself down. He nodded at her question, still not uttering a single word.

She came nearer towards him, "Let's go!" And dragged him with her while –grabbing his hand in hers. His eyes widened. His jaw practically dropped, looking back and forth at his confident EunHa then their intertwined hands.

She sure was something.

She sure was something

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Hola my babies.. So are liking this story? The development phase of their almost relationship. VOTE AND COMMENT. Dongsaeng needs your love~~

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