[11]Acting like a Drunkard

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Song for this chapter

Perfect by Ed Sheeren

It's useless to put your heart on a leash when it goes out of control anytime and jumps on the person, he was dying to be distant from.

Eunha never expected that going to Jungkook's birthday would create a big chaos in her life . She went there because it was Jungkook's birthday, considering him as her Dongsaeng , keeping all the distracting plus destructive thoughts a mile away from her helpless mind . She even chose those gifts she would buy for a teeny kid although he was a grown up, clearly taller than her. He just became legal and there was no sin in looking as enchanting as he was looking in a black attire and ebony black hair–


EunHa's breath hitched–Jungkook had been changed.

What was with this change that happened even when she saw him almost every morning but didn't notice? Alright, she wasn't giving much attention to actually looking at him because she would have a continuous battle with herself whenever he would be around. Whatever with the reasoning but he was not the same Jungkook-the-cute-kid.

All that hard work she did about keeping her sentiments on a low, was sniffing in a corner. Eunha was in real danger.


Jungkook took remaining boxes from EunHa's hands, as she walked inside with a continuous tik-tok of her black stilettos. As Jungkook dared to take in her eye-wondering sight, he just gave up on himself.

Instead of a pearly silk attire, she was cladded in a black dress falling to her knees with black lacy full sleeves. Instead of a white rose tiara resting upon her head, her dark brown hair was flaunting their full length.

The same Eunha that was looking an epitome of innocence in his dream. In front of his very eyes, she was a personification of elegance and simplified hotness.

Do I need to mention more,
That Eunha and Jungkook dreamt the same dream last night.


"Happy Birthday Jungkook ! " No nicknames for today.
Both of them took a step forward and she wished him his birthday, the reason she was there. She noticed his Adam's apple gulped up and down as he came a little more forward and wrapped his arms around her. Her whole body tensed under his touch as the weight of his body was making her breathing difficult. She couldn't differ if it was his or her heartbeat that was echoing everywhere.

"Thanks Eunha ! "
His whisper caused her eyes flushed open as she was almost melting in his embrace. He called her with her name. Those honorific formalities got no room between them.

But what she did next, left Jungkook's soul into a legit shock.

She pulled off herself from his embrace and subtly moved her face upwards, to reach near his face and–

She kissed him.

Ohkay , that was a peck–on his left cheek but the sensation of feeling her lips on his skin was nothing but electrifying . It was something he never imagined at least initiating from her side. That peck contained utter affection that was definitely not for a Dongsaeng from his Noona .

It was something between a guy and a girl.

Doesn't matter if she was older.

Check updates on IG : @ediablejimin with the same name bangtan_DNA

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