[17]Her Jungkook

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From the beginning this book was on 3rd person's POV mode and you've been reading mostly about EunHa's sentiments lately. So I thought why don't we jump into JK's mind and see what he thinks and how he feels!
Let's read!

—it's about the day later when JungMi left for student exchange program.

Tonight I was crashing again at Hoseokie Hyung's place. Mom was again on the night shift though I was continuously begging her to just leave the job. We needed her. I needed her. Especially when Noona was away. Yeah, she left for Newark yesterday for her student exchange program. She'll be staying there a semester or two. Well sounds great and astonishing too.

It's been a while since I'm observing a change in her–In her appearance and her persona. She's in a different air nowadays. She asked me herself where I go for work out and she goes along with us; me and Hoseokie Hyung. She's talking a lot lately and she's even begin to wear colors. Yes! Now she's starting to pay attention to herself and the change is evident. People now wouldn't recognize the old chubby JungMi without an addition of spectacles and with short hair cascading her smiling face. I'm really happy to see her all dazzling up and finally coming out of the walls.

"Yeah! Yeah! JungMi-ah, I listened to the song you recommended and it was–" Hoseokie Hyung entered in the living room along with a big bowl of caramel popcorns in one hand, a plate of crackers in another and his phone attached to his ear, tucked b...

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"Yeah! Yeah! JungMi-ah, I listened to the song you recommended and it was–"
Hoseokie Hyung entered in the living room along with a big bowl of caramel popcorns in one hand, a plate of crackers in another and his phone attached to his ear, tucked between his face and a raised shoulder. I immediately got up and grabbed the edibles from his hands. He mouthed  ' your sister is just–' rolling his eyes while pointing towards the phone. I laughed him up and went to select the movie we were going to watch today.

Something was changing between them. I could sense. They have been friends since 4 months and I have never seen Noona happy with anyone before, until him. Hoseokie Hyung too cares for her. And she's never being cared that much. She was always the one on giving side and she was getting what she deserve.

I don't know yet what they are but I'm guessing .May be they like each other.

May be there's another story forming. I chuckled on my own thoughts. As if EunHa and I had a story. Do we?

Just thinking about her with her name in my mind send my whole body into constant cringes of excitement. What if she thinks the same? Oh then I would definitely choke on my soul and wouldn't breath for a whole long minute.

Is a minute that long?

Yeah but not longer than the time I have been spending away from her.

While my mind was on a jog, Hyung came back and asked me about what movie I selected. I showed him the DVD and he squinted his brows in confusion with a mischievous smile playing on his face.

"Do you want to watch this movie with Hyung?"

In my hands, there's was a DVD of a romcom screaming Forever My Girl through its cover. He was right. I and he would watch some action thriller or some comedy may be. But this movie–this was my mood today.

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