[14]My Unpaid Therapist

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Song for this chapter

Love by Finding hope   

Eyes glued to the floral carpeted floor,

Heart crying somewhere in the corner.

Jungkook was mourning over himself without making even a squeak. He was at Hoseok's, who was in his kitchen preparing some crackers and popcorn for the movie both of the guys were going to watch. Hoseok's house was turning into Jungkook's newly found aegis and he would come over almost twice or thrice in week. After the 'encounter' with EunHa, Jungkook called him and asked him if he was home. After getting a positive reply, he told him he was coming over and since then, since he emitted those words he hadn't spoken a word.

Hoseok didn't try to ask or push the matter out of his mouth. He wanted him to talk on his own. Though he had a doubt that it was may be, because of EunHa.

"Here's the popcorn and these, your favorite Plain Crackers."

He didn't respond and continued his business while Hoseok chose the movie and hit the play button.

"She doesn't want to see me anymore."
Hoseok's attention diverted to Jungkook who mumbled something when it's almost thirty minutes since the movie began. Hoseok paused the video and shifted himself on the couch towards the statued Jungkook . He was finally beginning to pour his heart out.

"Who? "
"Eun–No one."
"Okay so that 'No one' doesn't want to see you anymore. Hnm, So what are you going to do about it?" Statue budged with a quizzical expression and turned his head towards the guy who was sitting right beside him, eating popcorns and asking him with no expressions at all. He wasn't asking playfully. So really, what I'm going to do about it ?

Jungkook needed help. Obviously, he was a kid anyway.

"There are two supposed reactions. One, you wouldn't listen to 'No one'."
Hoseok gave his first suggestions as He noticed the younger guy looking at him with all of his attention. "Second, you would listen to them and not come in their sight again. EVER."
Jungkook's heart vociferated. He couldn't gather all of his courage and combine it to not to see EunHa ever.
Damn he had to live!
"But there's a third way –" Younger's hope arose. "You can make 'No One' to see you with their own wish. You can make them to do efforts, just to have a glimpse of yours. " Jungkook's eyes popped to the size of saucers. Was it really possible he could make himself wanted? Only by EunHa *cough* No One.

"Let's just watch movie for now! " Hoseok grabbed his popcorn bowl again and resume the video. "Hyungie , tell me the way ! "
"Later ! Movie first! "

 "Hyungie , tell me the way ! "  "Later ! Movie first! "

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There's something at the end.
Kinda short chapter, I know. Mianhe for that. But seriously peeps, I know this story is getting your love but you aren't expressing through your votes. So keep supporting this story and shower your love through plenty of votes.

Love for my squishy sweetpotatoes ❤️
I know, you can never forget this !

S  I know, you can never forget this !  😂😂💟

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