[23]The Guy here

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"Why do you play with my name so much? besides, you should call me Noona." they were now walking along the river, searching for a feasible spot to sit.

"But I don't want to," his face turned serious. He stopped on his feet and looked towards her. "That's what I wanted to call you for so long. Since when I don't even remember for exact. May be when, you stayed at ours and stole a piece of pickled reddish from my bowl or may be when you ruffled my hair for the first time and ruined my hard work I did , combing my hair for around 25 minutes." He looked down and took her hand in his. He looked at it for a minute, while EunHa gazed with her eyes full of love. How she was so lucky for having him beside her.

"I did that for you. Only you. I only allowed you to come in my room whenever you wanted and whenever you and Noona fought. You would come without knocking at the door and though this thing annoys me to the limit but it didn't− when it was you. You would whine and even when I knew for myself that you were just kidding and you just wanted to talk, I'd still leave my homework aside and would listen to you. You. Only you."

They resumed walking and this time their hands didn't bump and slid across each other, instead he opened his palm wide and intertwined his fingers with hers. This caused EunHa to froze for a moment and then broke into a string of smiles. She never knew that she was residing in his heart since so long that she couldn't even imagined and would never knew if he hadn't taken the first step. He was indeed the guy here for taking the responsibility of his feelings and admitting it in front of her.

"I'd never had gotten aware of my feelings if you hadn't shower you care over me. You were always my beginning and my light and the only occupant of my heart." They had finally found the right spot. That clean ground adjacent to the flowing river reflecting sunlight and forming rainbows with lush green Grass patches. He placed the food basket on the ground and looked upwards. "You have no idea, Eun , how much you mean to me. You have no idea how much I feel lucky to have you with me−walking beside me at this very moment."

He breathed, His eyes locked into hers.

"You are literally everything I could ever wish for. Everything that I could ever have."

She didn't answer. She couldn't. Instead she looked down being overwhelmed by all the emotions coming over and taking her with them like a wave. Jungkook's breath caught in his throat as he looked her blushing. His own cheeks flushed red as he knew he was the reason of her reddened cheeks. He took a step closer and cradled her face within his palms. She immediately looked upwards and then down again, shying over anticipating which was coming next.

She stood still, expecting him to do all the work. Obviously he was the guy here.

He began to lean downwards and slowly decreasing the distance between their faces. She scrunched her eyes shut , biting her lower up. It was going to be her first, her first ever−


Instead of leaning towards her lips, he smiled knowing what she was expecting and pecked her crown.

And man, did she die out of embarrassment for closing her eyes and standing out as stupidest of stupids.

Eunha opened her eyes and spun over her feet in a lightning fast movement. While Jungkook facing her back, got the clue of her embarrassment and chuckled widely. She stomped forward but came back and started punching his shoulders. He gripped her hands with his stronger ones and pulled her towards him. she lied comfortably over his chest , her hair tickling his exposed skin. He wrapped his arms around her stature and she smiled, feeling him close and totally hers.

"Be my girlfriend, Eunha! "

She froze over her toes and her heart stopped for a good long second. This was something she was anticipating but wasn't expecting, didn't know why.

"You aren't even asking, "

"Are you planning to reject me?" He moved her face away a little to properly look into her eyes, his eyes filled with fear.

"No, idiot. "

"Is this really a No?"

His grip around her waist loosened a little.

She chuckled and pinched his cheek. "You really are a kid."

"Yes Jungkook-ssi , I'll be your girlfriend. Now show me your bunny teeth." His breathing resumed and he heaved the deepest and longest sigh. "You surely know how to take other's heart in your fist, EunHa-ssi! "

"Not other's, only yours."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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