[20]Their Birthday Ritual

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It was her birthday and she was missing her best friend the most. Her so called parents were holding a party that was definitely for the sake of boasting their money and status in the city.

Amazing way to make business relations!

Her dad had called her to come straight at home after the class. That she obviously rebelled because she went with Jungkook. Now she had no way to deny because that was her best birthday she had ever spent.

Everything was simple. A tiny fudge cake that was enough for two people. She had a sweet tooth so he gave his half eaten piece to her too. Which she shyly accepted. Shying, blushing ─Yes, EunHa was doing all this now.

Then they had their meal which was a heart shaped pizza. And that music. She was planning on asking him what he saw in his dream, to know it was really the same.

Her step mom called her to come down because guests had begun to come. She gave her make up a last touch and got up to go downstairs where everybody was waiting for the birthday girl.

Party was boring as she expected. It was more like a corporate party arranged to boast about money and statuses. Men and women invited here were loaded with designer attires and expensive jewels with the tags of unique named brands. She's never been fond of the lifestyle she was brought up into. She never cared about what brand she was wearing and what car she had. That's why her stepmom think of her as a rebellious punk and that's why she was affectionate by Jeon's.

Particularly, the little Jeon. She laughed up her own thought and the guy talking with her halted his blabbers and began to look at her. Was she crazy? That's what he thought. What else he would think when she's laughing on her own, shaking head–Oh lord, something was really upset with her brain. He excused and went to some other girl. She heaved a sigh of relief and took out her phone from her floral clutch as walking towards the giant glass door that opened towards the garden.

Should I text him?
A lot of people around her, but she was talking to her heart, again.
But what would I text?

She began to type,

I'm missing you 😘
Oh that's too much.
I'm missing you!
I'm_ _ _
I miss


Her phone buzzed in her hands. She left her message there and checked whose text it was.

-Come out. Your garden.

He was here? But how come–
Her step mom will come kill him.

She immediately ran outside through that door and began searching for him in this big ass garden.


She heard his voice from behind and as she turned around to see him –
He was standing extremely close to her. Totally unhealthy for her heart.

She stepped back a little and he too reciprocated.

"What are you doing here? She will kill you! "

He chuckled as he watched her whispering and warning him about her step mom. His EunHa was never like this.

"You were never afraid of her? Were you? "
Raising his eyebrows, he gave her a quizzical face and she almost melt on her feet savoring the view in front of her. The sound of the waterfall running behind him on a distance was nothing in compare to his soft chuckle that came out of his lips.
Speaking of his lips, she noticed how cutely thin was his upper lip, almost invisible. And a tiny mole beneath his bottom lip –oh it was threatening her life.

"Why are you staring at my lips?"
Question after question, but this was perilous.
"No I'm not afraid of her. I was saying because she doesn't like you. "
She safely ignored. Way to go, EunHa!
"That's not what I asked!"
"But you asked this first!"
They were back to their old business.
"Then answer this one too."
"Why you were staring at my lips? "
"I was not!"
Lying helps, sometimes.
"Whoa, so you weren't?"
She turned her back at him and began walking on a petunia trail. Jungkook was never this competitive. She wondered. He never talked back. It wasn't like she was hating it but she was amazed.

Suddenly a hand slowly slid from the back to her neck, lifted her face a little and –

She felt a soft pair of lips kissing on her cheek.

She couldn't move, at least for long five minutes. Blood rushed to her cheeks and Jungkook was no different standing behind her. He too was amazed on the confidence he's been gaining around her.

Breathing unstable, heartbeat unusual –both of them were stuck on the ground.

"I thought it was a thing between us."

He murmured, reminding her of the kiss she gave him on his birthday. It had become their birthday ritual, she never realized.

But nonetheless, she liked it.

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