[16]His and Her Heart

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Song for this chapter
For Him by Troye Sivan

You don't have to say I love you to say I love you!

"Oppa , would you give me your number so I can call you and we can hangout sometimes ?"

Apparently, Jungkook was talking to those clingy obnoxious girls while all of his attention was magnet around the girl he adores–the girl who's burning her eyes on him. Word 'Oppa' caught a little of his attention, a word he despised the most but he shoved it away and eyed EunHa with the corner of his eyes. She was still glaring at him, standing a few meters away.

As the moment he saw from afar, roaming absentmindedly near his department, he ran after her. He was hiding from her since three months, he got admitted here in IT department for software engineering studies. He would peek at her from a distance just to relish her sight with his eyes. EunHa didn't know Jungkook has been around her since a while.

How? Because JungMi never told her.
Why? Because she was currently in Newark for a student exchange program.


Grazing his hand with hers was never in his intensions. The idea was to just get her attention but when the skin of his hand came in contact with hers, he was simply left stupefied by the agitation rising inside him.

Though Hoseok had given him a mental list of "what to do when..." but he couldn't kept himself away from her when she turned away and began to stroll back.

He walked after her and when he hesitantly called her name–She stopped.

But it was just for a second and she changed her gear and ran away.

EunHa just ran away from Jungkook.


"What he was thinking? He can't just come and call my name whenever he wants. "
EunHa was mumbling to herself while sitting almost alone in the back garden of a nearby department. There were a few people playing and doing their business away from her and she knew none of them.

"He didn't even say my name."

But at least you saw him. Her heart sympathized.

"So what? I wasn't anticipating." She snapped in her typical way. Now she was practically talking to herself. Though the people around her didn't bother.

You were dying to have a glimpse of him. Her heart retorted, knowingly.

"I wasn't!" Clearly in denial.

You were!

"I WAS NOT" She nearly shout, gathering attention of some birds piping in the garden.

Fine. You wouldn't do anything to see him again. A smirk could be heard along with the words, challenging her.

"No." She was firm on her grounds.

Not. Really.

Later after just another five minutes, she found herself walking back towards the ground she saw him last. He wasn't there definitely. She came back to her department later after that.


"Ding Ding , it's EunHa's birthday!"
"Ding Ding , it's EunHa's birthday!"

His alarm blared, interrupting him from the wish he was writing already. He never needed an alarm to remind him of her day. He wanted to be the first to wish her and he succeeded in that.

EunHa was pushing her mind to sleep but nowhere in her eyes there were traces of it. Suddenly her phone chirped so she picked it immediately from the nightstand to see if it was His text. She opened it and her breath hitched. Just like every year from the past some years, It was his text. Like every time, the first to wish. But unlike previous times, instead of a long stretched out message of twee wishes, there were just two Sentences.

-Happy Birthday EunHa !
Rest for tomorrow in University.

And that emoticon.

She was totally done with her heart.


I know it's been a while since my updates are taking a lot of time .Mianhe.

But you need to tap the star and comment just for your bub.


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