[12]Her resistance and his confession

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Song for this chapter

Eternal Love - Michael Learns To Rock

She pulled off herself from his embrace and subtly moved her face upwards, to reach near his face and–

She kissed him.

Ohkay , that was a peck–on his left cheek but the sensation of feeling her lips on his skin was nothing but electrifying . It was something he never imagined at least initiating from her side. That peck contained utter affection that was definitely not for a Dongsaeng from his Noona .

It was something between a guy and a girl.

Doesn't matter if she was older.

Every person present there witnessed their moment. They all took in their emotions and interpreted as they could think of.

"Oh finally you both reconciled! I really thought you both were going to give each other a life-long silence treatment. " JungMi chuckled in delight as she was happy to see them like this . Like friends, again.

"She was hesitant to invite you today. She thought you may not come. "Mrs. Jeon added and JungMi pursed her lips with a nod as she agreed.

"I couldn't avoid. "

That's what EunHa responded while boring her eyes into Jungkook's doe ones. Was she drunk or simply in a daze? She was not in herself that was sure.

Someone harrumphed in a funny way and the spell broke.

The colors in her eyes changed in the fraction of a moment. She left a perplexed Jungkook there and went towards the owner of that sound.

There was a tall guy standing beside JungMi in a blue jacket and similar colored pants. Must be that 'Handsome Intruder ' as JungMi named him. EunHa guessed and smiled towards him, shrugging all of the previous thoughts from her helpless mind. He too threw a smile filled with all of his charms in her direction.

"So you're the Sunshine Guy?" EunHa teased and nudged at JungMi's elbow getting a glare in response.

The Sunshine Guy chuckled, brightening the whole living room and shook EunHa's hand as they both bow each other in respect.

"Pleased to meet you . I'm Jung Hoseok . You must be EunHa ? "

They greeted and exchanged introductions as Hoseok noticed a blob protruding Jungkook's cheek. He knew him since almost a month and the time they spent every day in gym together, he had observed him well. He knew Jungkook wasn't liking this interaction.

Though Hoseok was responsible for the changes EunHa felt in Jungkook . His hard work in insisting this kid to take him to work-out and turning him from petite to a handsome hunk.

Cake-cutting was done in awkwardness as Eunha was back to her normal mode and Jungkook was wondering how!

Only if he knew how she was controlling her hands to not to feed him his birthday cake and herself to hug him again and again – and all day.

Only if he knew–


Further interaction was great between Hoseok , JungMi and EunHa . She was glad for both of them getting close even though their behavior was kind of friendly. Hoseok was really a Sunshine Guy with a sensible sense of humor, making every laugh. All the celebrations went well. Well not that kind of well. As EunHa was avoiding Jungkook as much as she could and when situation would become unavoidable, she would behave like before. Even more sugary. And that was definitely not her.

As time came by and she took her bag to leave, Jungkook was already near the main door waiting for her.

She went out ignoring him and walked to her car as it was parked a little far in the common parking lot of this street residents. Jungkook followed her silently. Now it was the time to talk to her.

" EunHa ! "
He called her name in a low voice, still enough to reach her ears. She halt but didn't turn to face him. Her heart was ready to burst every time she would hear her own name slipping from his lips instead of Noona .

Why does he has to do with her?

"What's with your manners, Jungkook? " forgetting nicknames herself .
She said camouflaging her voice in a playful tone. Her acting was bad. He had to admit.

"Eunha ! "

"Yah Jeon Jungkook ! Call me Noo–"

"I like you!"

He blurted as she turned to face him. Something was written  on her face but he didn't know the language .

He was unable to solve this riddle– with a not-known-yet answer .

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