[2] His day-dreaming and 'Jungkook's EunHa'

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Song for this chapter

  Star by Kang Min Hyuk (CNBLUE) 

* Perfect Boyfriend list *

2-Kinda Shy

EunHa had planned a sleepover at JungMi's because of the project thing. Though it was something they were assigned a week ago but EunHa being a lazy ass wasted all her time making FMVs for her favorite boyband. She had a ton of subscribers at her YouTube channel but not a single soul in her acquaintance , close or not , would give a shit to her ' all-night hard work ' .

Other than–
Yes you guessed right!


Her every video had his like and every time he would share her video on his timeline–without even caring about his nerdy reputation. He would literally smile to his ears when YouTube notification would pop-up.

Her every heart for his comment would cause fireflies around him, even though he never liked Pop or any other kind of loud music. He was more of a traditional-and-instrumental-liking person.

EunHa was more hyped and Jungkook was a slowly flowing river.

"Jungkookie, Trunk's locked right?"

EunHa asked him, as the model she and JungMi worked on was locked in trunk but it was a bit bigger for it. She was waiting for the answer from Jungkook who was standing near the car, with a sugary smile on his face.

That nickname *giggles*

"Earth to Jungkook?"

Her loudness interrupted him from his day-dreams that were appearing quite often nowadays. He jerked his head and thudded on the trunk.

"Yeah, N-Noona!"

What's with this stutter Jungkookie?

He put his bag inside and slid on the passenger seat at the back.

Can't I call her with her name?
Jungkook thought as he was gazing at EunHa who was driving the car.


"Ye-Yeah Noona!"
Jungkook averted his gaze to his lap as EunHa squealed his name, intruding in his untamed fantasies.

"I'm asking nth time, if I'm looking that ugly that you're staring me with these grimacing expressions?"

He gawked her she was quoting some illogical myths. Does she wants me to call her pretty?

"No-No No Noona! I wasn't–"
His nervousness was actually going below the graph. How petty of you Jungkook! You are a guy for heaven's sake!

"I know I'm looking like a Koala with this frizzy head of mine and these tent-size cloths of your sister Ahh–!"

She winced as JungMi picked her ear and taking benefit of EunHa busy in driving, she gave a hard flick on her forehead.

"I didn't ask you to wear them. Next time you'd go naked. I'm not going to give you my clothes! "
JungMI snorted with her one brow raised and scrunched nose.

"Nay Nay JungMi-ah! You're the cutest, prettiest and everything dazzling. "

She sang as babying her with pinching her cheeks while getting out of the car because they had arrived at Jungkook's school.

Jungkook came out of the car with his bag hanging at his back and eyes fascinating the grey paving tiles. This time he was abstaining himself from looking at EunHa again because he couldn't afford to go more and more nervous.

" Bye Jungkook, study well! "
" Babaye Jungkoookiiieee, Eat a lot in lunch! "

JungMi Noona and EunHa waved their hands and sang their usual.

Well, even if he can't call her with her name, at least he can think of her as EunHa, his EunHa.

"Jungkoookiiieee Stooooppp!"
Why she squeals his name all the time. Jungkook turned as she was running slowly towards him. She stopped and amended his hair with her hands.

"You look better this way!"
Jungkook stood stunned as she did as she wished for him, ruining his precious minutes spent for his neatly done hair.
Now he'd do his hair as EunHa like.

No! He'd do his hair like always so she would amend his hair every day.

Jungkook thought to himself while roaming again in dreamland.

"That's niiice! Now Babayee! "
EunHa patted his cheek before waving his hand again. She turned to walk back towards her car, leaving a melted Jungkook stood right there.

And the whole day in his school, everybody thought that he might get slapped by someone, spotting him with a hand on his left cheek and all-day permanent blush.

That's right that cheek where EunHa touched!

2nd chapters up!
A special shootout for my sweetpotatoes: @ChaitanyaChinky


These bubs are gems!
Give your feedback through votes and comments. Tell me how I can improve this story!


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