[10] Her dream and his 18th birthday

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Song for this chapter

Crystal Snow by BTS

"What is falling in love? "

She whispered, grazing her hand on the surface of water causing little waves to form. Her fingers sparkled as they came into contact with the glowing stream-water. She was floating on a swing as it was waving to-and-fro in a slo-mo mode. That stream's crystal-ness was a mirror to the two angelic figures grinning to their ears and blushing vividly.

Stars commented and Moon confirmed.

To them, those two figures cladded in pearl silk attires seemed lovers as they were gazing into each other's eyes like they were born to drown in those oceanic orbs.

Deep and beautiful.

He chuckled seeing her cheeks never fading their pink shade.

"Falling in love is when you can feel them around even when they are not."
Her eyes were glued to his face and chin was resting upon the back of her hand. A mix of violins and wind-chimes was echoing in the background.

"They make your heart know the secret, one never knew."

Her heartbeat began to run on a faster pace as he looked away to nowhere. She laid a hand on her heart, requesting that rebel to relax.

"Their smiles enlighten your day. Their tears sink your heart. "

His eyes came back to her. He eyed her with all of his love as this sight was the most beautiful one and no one has ever witnessed it.

"Their presence excites you. Their absence makes you addicted to them. "

He held her cheek in his hand and felt her shudder under his touch. His thumb drawn circles on her pristine skin, his orbs locking to hers.

"If you don't fall in love with them at first sight then you will–at their every sight."

As his last words breathed on her skin, he moved closer and placed his lips on–


She got up tearing the duvet over herself with some sounds emitting from her mouth, close to a scream. She tried to calm her disheveled sleeping-hair with one hand while with other rubbing her lips.

"AARRRGH!! Ahn Eunha! How can you even dream about something...like this."

She groaned as she again made a mess of her hair. Her irritation was on its peak. For a good long minute, she stared in the air with her not-so-signature scowling face and contemplated on the dream she dreamt.

The stream of her thoughts broke as alarm blared, reminding her she got up earlier today.

" It's Jungkook's day ! It's Jungkook's day! "

Clock Calendar reminded her about Jungkook's birthday which was today and the hell is she didn't even wish him at midnight. He was really a BIG distraction.

Another realization kicked in as she remember why JungMi told her, she couldn't go today for camping. It was her brother's birthday and damn! She didn't even give her a reminder.

For that Eunha , you should have remembered yourself .

Her brain was doing some extra talking these days and she had no one to complain.

Who to blame! She was simply losing her sanity to that distraction.

After a detailed visit to the nearest mall and ruffling almost all the shelves of every outlet there, Eunha finally picked half a dozen gifts for Jungkook . They were few in her eyes. She wanted to buy more and more for him but was afraid, he might not accept.

After coming as she called JungMi to know about celebration's time, her eyes turned into saucers to know she only had an hour left to get ready and drive there.

She rushed to choose her dress from wardrobe, trying to pretend as careless as she could in her choice. Gifts were already packed. She was barely done with her makeup but she had to go and arrive on time.

The whole world was conspiring to make her late and not letting her arrive on time. She'd been caught in a traffic jam since half an hour and had received thousands of phone calls. Not to exaggerate but JungMi called her for about 10 times or more.

He didn't call.

Alright Eunha ! Focus on the road!

A small sized party was arranged in the living with lots of colorful balloons and buntings. JungMi had accomplished to do a celebration thanks to Teacher Cha and babysitting her adorable twins. After the unexpected meetings and few more encounters at different places, Hoseok and JungMi were beginning to become close enough that he was here in Jeon's, helping her in preparations . She was glad to have him in her surrounding as a continuous grin was plastered on her face. Moment to moment, Hoseok would make her laugh and Mrs. Jeon would smile in contentment to hear her endearing daughter's laughter reaching straight to her heart. She was finally giving a chance to someone, to bring a change in her monochromatic life.

It was going to be a surprise for Jungkook . He hadn't been arrived to home yet and they all were waiting for him–and Eunha too. JungMi again dialed her number just to find that she was stuck in a traffic jam. She really needed her best friend at this moment of happiness.


About ten minutes later, Jungkook arrived. His stunned face was telling all the story, how much surprised he was. It's been long since his birthday was celebrated. It's been long since they celebrated any kind of day, any sort of happiness. Though he was afraid of how much money was spent on all this, however he was still happy. His eyes scanned the people around him, noticing Hoseok with a smile brightening his face. He was a happy guy who would spread happiness everywhere. Hoseok hugged him and wished him birthday with a bro-punch and asked for the treat. Instead, he flaunted his kindness and gave him a Birthday Present.

Jungkook's eyes scanned more, between balloons, in kitchen, she must be around. But why can't I see her.

His thoughts urged him to ask about Eunha . He wanted her here, on his special day. He wanted to share his happiness with her.

"Where's Noona ? "
He asked JungMi but she was a little busier talking with Hoseok and setting table for cake-cutting. So she couldn't heard him neither answer.

His lips tugged down as he missed EunHa's presence, more than he ever did.

Moment later, a knock on the door was heard by everyone and between all those, Jungkook just ran towards the door to open it first , hoping that it was Eunha .

But it wasn't.

At the door, there was a guy with lots of boxes in his hands and he asked permission to enter to place them. The gleam of Jungkook's orbs went down and he finally had no hope that she is going to come.

His back was facing towards the main door when a strange sound of heals touching his eardrums. He wasn't familiar to those.

Jungkook had no idea that the person who was wearing them – they too was not familiar to those heals.

Did You hear 'Don't leave me ! ' .?It's DAEBAK ! Jimin and Seokjin OMO !!

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