[18] Her Daydreaming

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This chapter is dedicated to luvkooku  my Bub 💟

"Did you like it?"
Engrossed in the beautiful fairy lights and pearl-like globes hanging in the air, she hummed in response. He giggled seeing her playing with the globe and swirling her pearly silk dress. Violins and wind chimes were echoing in their surroundings, causing this moment to make as dreamy as possible.

He opened a box that he had kept aside for a while and took out a small tiara for the birthday girl.

He stopped her in her way to turn the stream into a pile of glitters by holding her hand. He took her hand into his as it was some treasure and moved it towards his face.

She fathomed what he was going to do so her heart decide to rebel and began to pace on its fullest. Her lips pursed into a thin line for a second and the next she released their tension and bit her lower lip.

Her eyes closed in ecstasy as his lips felt soft on the back of her hand. She pressed a little squeal between her lips and felt his hand caressing her cheek.

She was slowly melting into crème and he was totally bewitched by the sight in front of him.

"Happy birthday, EunHa ! " He nearly whispered, leaning close to her ear. She shivered feeling him so close but didn't open her eyes.

She just couldn't –

Suddenly those violins and wind chimes stopped shimmering and instead 'Fantastic Baby' began to bang around her senses. She opened her eyes in skepticism and–

Her eyes opened with her phone chirping beside her pillow. She picked up her phone with her eyes closed and placed it to her ear.

"Happy Birthday, Eunhiee!"
A shriek forced her eyes to open again and her mind to awake. It was JungMi.

"Mianhe Eunhie-ah! You know these time zone differences. Aish, it really made me flustered. Sorry if I wished you late. "

And after a long banter of half an hour they disconnected the call, because it was getting late for university. She got up, took a quick shower and after stealing a toast from the kitchen, she went out.

On her way to the campus, she picked out her phone from her bag and opened the text message from last night. There were a lot of new messages but she scrolled down, wanted to find just one.

-Happy Birthday EunHa !
Rest for tomorrow in University.

Her breath stopped for a second. Signal turned red and she almost bumped into the car before her.

So this was for real. It wasn't something she dreamt.

She drove off to the campus and parked her car in the parking. She was a little late for the first lecture but she still somehow managed to excuse the professor.


Through 'how will he wish me?' to 'I am not really anticipating' and 'what if he forgets' to 'I don't really care', she passed half of her day with exhaustion and arguments in her head. She knew what she really wanted but was denying herself as she was doing since long.

She exited from the lecture hall and was on her way to the cafe. A lot of people passed and wished her birthday but she was in her own world, reliving the dream she wake up to this morning.

What if that dream comes true? She would really turn into a puddle of emotions if that happens.

'No, you can't think like this!"
She warned her heart.
'Why not, when that's what you really wish!'
Her mouth zipped and she couldn't argue more. But her heart continued.
'He said that he liked you too.'
Her heartbeat stumbled even thinking about it.
'But what if I'm just his temporary–


Her head that was fascinating the ground instead of looking at the front, hit with a hard surface.
Her hand moved towards her head in a reflex action. She was still comprehending the situation when two hands took a hold of her shoulder on both sides.
"Are you alright?" Someone mumbled.
She knew this feeling. She knew these hands, she knew this voice like a religion. Hell they were the same which would send her heart into a marathon and her stomach doing summersaults.

She jumped away, turning back to her consciousness. And he was standing in front of her with all his might.


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