[8]Feelings that couldn't be named

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Song for this chapter

Butterfly by BTS

**The same moment at Jeon's , when EunHa was still in Jungkook's arms . **


Still eyeing his dark chocolate orbs, I was ready to sacrifice every luxury that I had in my life just for the sake of staying in this moment. I don't know why I wanted this. I don't know why on earth we were in that position at that very moment.

It was something like alcohol.

Some toxically amazing alcohol.

And I was consuming it sip by sip, shot by shot. All whys and hows went mute in a corner and I was losing myself between his arms, melting like a candle.
I shushed my heart's continuous blabbers and heaved a sigh, reprimanding over my insane imagism.

I was going crazy over something incredibly impossible.

Yes, I was afraid of myself for wanting something that was totally unimaginable and sick to even think about. He's my best friend's brother. For god sake EunHa,he's younger . He's like a little brother.

I mentally slapped myself for not stopping when I should have. From many passing days, I have been thinking about him, even fantasizing about him.


Things were never this weird between us. And I honestly have no idea when it started to become weird. I have been treating him like a kid since I first met him.

He's been my Dongsaeng and I've been his Noona .

I need to stop this. I can't put some wrong ideas in his innocent mind. I need to stop whatever I'm feeling. The feeling that I can't name now, I need to stop it, in anyway.


Narrator's POV

EunHa's lips slightly parted and she heaved a whispered-sigh. That loudness was enough to break the trance and Jungkook immediately broke the ring that he formed around her waist.

Letting go of her was something that made him feel empty in the depths of his beating organ.

A bell like sound resonated around them and their attention averted towards the main door. Jungkook's eyes roamed towards the wall clock. It's time for his mother to be home. He glanced at the confused EunHa who was now eyeing the floor with full concentration.

Jungkook hauled himself to the main door and opened it, to find his mom as expected. A faint smile crept on his face as he greeted her and took her stuff from her hands. EunHa hugged her, nervousness shedding from her body language.

"Freshen up yourself, mom! Your breakfast will be ready in 10 minutes. "

Jungkook eyed EunHa for good 3 seconds and jerked his head once as his mother left to her room and Jungkook took his way to the kitchen.

This awkwardness wasn't going to wear off so soon.

~Crappy chapter , I know . Soorie.

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