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'Is it really him?'

She asked her heart.
'Help yourself!' And things were going out of her hand.
She took a step forward and her hand moved upwards. As if she was in a daze. Her fingers touched the skin of his right cheek. Brown stubble tickled the pads of her fingers .He stiffened under her touch, his jaw clenched. His dark eyes were boring holes into her soul, unraveling every hidden emotion.

She pulled her hand away, gripping it with her other hand as if putting it on a leash.
She wasn't dreaming. It was not his ghost. It was really him. It was Jungkook.

She couldn't look in his eyes. Instead, she preferred looking towards the ground. Why it was becoming super difficult to look at him. To caress his cheek, to ruffle his hair ...to take him in embrace like before. He was her Dongsaeng. But now he wasn't looking like one.
At least not in her eyes.

Though he himself wasn't really stable when she touched his face and lowered her eyes, looking utterly alluring.

'You can't hide from me anymore.' He thought as he leaned forward, grasping all the courage he filled up his heart with.

She scrunched her eyes shut as his face budged dangerously close to her own face.

Not here. Not here. Not here.

She felt his hot breath tickling her ear as he whispered,

"Happy Birthday, EunHa!"

He moved backward with a smile dancing on his face. In an attempt to not to ruin this moment, he swallowed back his smile and continued in his head.

He called her name and–

And she couldn't take it anymore.

Her steps faltered as she took a step absentmindedly, God knows in what direction. She stumbled and was about to fall on the floor when Jungkook pulled her from her waist.

She couldn't comprehend what happened. He didn't give her a moment to figure out what was happening and held her at her waist.

Didn't he know what effect he had on her?

He pulled her towards him and –

Not here. No. No. No.

And helped her to maintain her balance on her feet.

"You didn't fall. You are ok now."
She was wondering how the symphony of his voice was syncing so elegantly with her heartbeat but No, she wasn't ok.
"Open your eyes, EunHa!"
Why does he have to say her name? Did holding her wasn't enough to make her insane?

He then let go of her and stood a little away, forming a decent distance between them. Her breaths calmed and she opened her eyes slowly.

She herself was shocked about her actions. What the actual heck was that?

"Shall we?"
He asked in his honey dripping voice. She nodded and stepped forward to go wherever he was taking her.

No questions asked. Just walking with him with matching pace.


He took her to the same cafe he worked in. He had all the arrangements ready. Cake baked, decorations done and wind chimes and violins. Those weren't physically here neither the person who would play but he had found an audio on Internet and was planning to play today.

Remembering the music he heard in his dream.

All this while they didn't talk. If he would say something then she would just nod or hum in response. He understood, she was so overwhelmed by the situation.

EunHa was happy, well that was an understatement but words were not capable enough to define what she was feeling at the moment.

They were seated in the most isolated corner of the cafe and he was waiting for her to blow the candles. Suddenly that music played and she stopped her movement. Her eyes roamed, ears sensed to find where this sound was coming from.

"This music..."
She just could say this. If she say, he might laugh on her.
"Did you like it?" Deja vu.
She gawked at him with utter surprise. Was that dream becoming true?
"I heard it in my dream."
Now her jaw dropped, practically. She sucked air in, bit her lower lip, figuring out what he was saying.
"Aish, don't–"
He stopped her from biting her lip and in process his fingers subtly touched her lips. He immediately pulled away his hand, muttering a trail of Sorry.

"It's the same music I heard in my dream."
In all this while, she properly said something for the first time. Now it was his turn to go in shock.
"Really? Did we–"
"Dreamt the same dream?" She completed his sentence.
"I think, yes!"

Both smiled their beautiful smiles.


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