[7]Handsome Intruder

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Song for this chapter

Daydream by J-Hope

"W-Who are you? "

JungMi immediately got up from the bed as she whisper-yelled, trying not to wake up sleeping twins. Her clothes were a little scruffy and wrinkled and his hair disheveled. Though she couldn't see her face but she knew, she definitely had a drool near her lips.

But that wasn't the thing she was giving a shit to. Some stranger but insanely gorgeous looking guy–intruder was standing right in front of her.

A simple 'Hey' emerged from handsome intruder's lips with a smile forming dimples near his lips,

Yeah, not on his cheeks.

"JungMi , right ? "

He even knew her name. How come he– and why the hell I'm just nodding in his answer, JungMi thought to herself as she tried to keep her distance from that handsome intruder. Her mind was pulling the strands to figure out the situation but that guy was making this difficult by smiling like a bright day with his thin lips studded with a small speck of embellishment .

Specifically his upper lip.

Stop gawking him, JungMi . He could be dangerous.

"I'm Jung Hoseok , your teacher Cha's Nephew . "


A strangled greet came out of JungMi's throat. She wanted to continue with some more formal words but his rebellious mole on his lip was proving itself as kind of a destructive distraction.


"My Aunt sent me here to help you with yourself. She said you won't eat or sleep properly. "

He pursed his lips (again his lips) in a thin line and lifted his eyebrows as he was silently pointing towards her sleeping position and discomfort. It wasn't a bother to be honest, it was fine with her.

Reminding you a thing,
she haven't utter a word, even yet.

"Alright then, I'll go and make breakfast and you can stay here with kids."

"No, no! There's no need. I can, really. "

JungMi finally blurted as he turned to go out of the room.

"This is fine. Except you don't want to be here when it's their time to almost getting up."

JungMi face-palmed internally and flashed a fainted smile and watched Hoseok leaving the room. In a count of almost five minutes, twins were creaking cute morning noises and she was handling them with outmost care.


After changing their clothes and giving them a small bath, she took them to the living room where Hoseok was cooking something

"Definitely delicious! "

She murmured to herself because of the aroma spread across the house. She made both kids sat on their respective chairs, that were yellow and blue and with higher and small seats. Their breakfast was already prepared by Hoseok and now he was making pancakes.

"Uh , why did you–I could do this . "
Her hesitancy was on its peak. Firstly, he was a complete stranger. Secondly, he was teacher Cha's relative so it was her responsibility to prepare meal and doing all this work.

But there he was, coolly working in the kitchen instead of her.

" Ah , Take this Miss . Eat when it's still hot. "

Feeding the tiny kiddos, she casted a meticulous glance at the sight-ful man juggling with utensils with an olive green apron tied nicely at front.

Was it even a word?

He turned her way to hand her pancake platter while she quickly averted her eyes and mentally slapped herself for eyeing him shamelessly. Hoseok noticed her reluctance and carved a sugary smile on his face.

"Thanks Mr.Jung . Thank you for everything. "
Her sincerity was evident in her words. She was grateful of him for taking care of her work. She continued as she took a fork-full bite of

"Thank you for taking care of the things when you didn't even have to. "

"Uh Hun, You deserve to be taken care of . "
He uttered, looking towards her for good two seconds and again shifted his attention towards the stove.

She was taken aback by the words Hoseok just said. It was the first time when she wasn't the 'responsible one' in the situation.

Chocolate-honey syrup smeared across the pancakes was making them more luscious and mouth-watering.

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