[22]Her Unofficial Boyfriend

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Dedicated to my all sweety hearts who read this book.
This story was initially planed to be a one short . Then I thought to take it to 4-5 chapters . Then I thought this isn't enough so I took it to 10 chapters . Now the chapter you are going to read is 22nd , And KookU just got together . Hahha


"Did you get the mat? "
He hummed .
"Food basket?"
"What , wait .I wasn't responsible for food . "
"It wouldn't have hurt ."
"And why I'm responsible for everything? I'm the guy here ."
"So what if you're the guy here . You could still prepare food. Aish ! Now I need to go to the kitchen and tell Mr. Butler to prepare some. It's going to take more time. You need to wait. "

She disconnected the call and went to kitchen and asked Mr. Butler to prepare a food basket. They were going for a small picnic at river side after planning for days for a place and finally choosing it.

Outside the house, Jungkook was standing beside his Bike with his phone in his hands. He smacked his head as he found himself bragging about being a guy. Being a guy meant being more responsible.

After giving a small list of snacks, she came back to her room and logged onto her YouTube account. It's been a long while since she made any video or even any FMV. There were lots of comments and likes on her previous videos. Ships video were a huge hit (for her). She promised her viewers, she will update soon.

Soon she realized that she's been keeping his unofficial boyfriend outside for getting bore on his own. She placed her bag on her left shoulder, shoving her phone in her bag and zipping it up, she strode outside.

She smiled seeing her unofficial boyfriend kicking stones and his lips puckered up. He was sure bored as hell.

Well , he deserves for not asking her out yet. She smiled to herself as she took in to what he was wearing today.

Cladded in a white t-shirt with a soft pink cardigan with dark sweatpants, he was looking different than ever. This wasn't his usual attire, this soft color. He was more into dark clothing, or white sometimes. But this way he's actually portraying a boyfriend look. Too bad for EunHa !

She sang his newly found nickname that totally amazed herself too , at the same time didn't fail to cause Jungkook's face so evidently reddened .


Her eyes widened as he blurted those cuss words . She stomped forward to give a good smack on his head when he blurted again, sensing the danger may be.
"Where is The Food?"

She let out a small gasp wondering what's gotten into this guy? Since when he was cracking such lame ass jokes?

He giggled as he walked towards her, scratching his nape in nervousness. She resumed her walk too and soon punched his bulging biceps. Where Jungkook yelped almost faintly, there EunHa admired how hard and flexed his arm felt.

"Ah-ah- Why are you hitting me, Eun ? It hurts. " He made ugly faces trying to look in pain but still somehow succeeded in looking way too adorable. EunHa didn't miss the EUN that emerged from his lips. How was he so easily playing with her name? she wondered.

"Your vocabulary is getting corrupted. You obviously need a hit and even more. Besides I'm the older one here so I can hit you as much as I can. " She smacked another punch and Jungkook , this time pulled her from her wrist as soon as she backed away. She fell on his chest which was as strong as his biceps and even more broad than before. Kid Jungkook was long gone, but somehow she wasn't getting used to this version of him.

He felt her smile against exposed skin. He smiled to himself and slithered his arm around her waist. As soon as his arm touched her, she pulled herself away and stood creating an exact two feet distance between them. Nervousness took her over and she tucked her stubborn flock of her behind her ear.

He smiled even more. His bunny teeth made their fluffy appearance and she giggled watching his smile. This was something she would never get over with.

"Why do you play with my name so much? besides, you should call me Noona."  they were now walking along the river, searching for a feasible spot to sit.

"ButI don't want to," his face turned serious. His smiled that etched on his face vanished like it was never there.

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