A/N (must read ) + FMV

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Hello my adorable sweetpotatoes !
First of all Thank you so much for making this book rank #412 in short stories . It's all because of you .

( Though currently it ranked down to #571 and it's definitely due to me because I'm not giving much to this baby these days . )

I'm really sorry for not updating in a long while . Since it's the end of my term and I'm on the edge my final exams along with lots of assignments . I'll be away for more time . And hopefully I'll back after 15th of May . Insha'ALLAH .

See you after that . There's a lot much left to happen .
Plus I'm so much into video making and editing these days . I made an FMV . Must watch the video above . That's a remix of Closer and I Need U . I'll Send you lots of hugs if you go to its link and Like and Subscribe .
I have started my YouTube channel with the name Wacky Wattpader.
You can request if you want me to make any FMV . I'll gladly work on it .

Babye for now !
Eat A lot 💟

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