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"YOU DROPPED OUT?!?" Mom shouted.

"I ALWAYS NEW YOU WERE A FAILURE." My step 'dad' yelled a beer bottle in hand.

"I-Im sorry." I stuttered, "It was so stressful I-"

"I-I'm sorry... it's too stressful." Stepdad mimicked in a harsh way, then snapped again, "THAT'S BULLSHIT."

I flinched at his sudden yelling, "No it's not, I couldn't stand it. My anxiety gets in the way it makes me incapable to function and so do my other mental illnesses."

"You've always been so weak..." Mom spat coldly, "But I thought you'd at least be able to go to college. But no obviously not, I shouldn't have expected much from you."

I clenched my fists, "Would you rather have me fail classes or drop out?" I exclaim.

"Either way you'll dissapoint us! You're a huge disappointment... You're a mistake you shouldn't be here!" Stepdad yelled again.

"YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE. I WANT MY ORIGINAL DAD BACK! YOU AREN'T MY DAD AND NEVER WILL BE." I finally snapped and then turned to mom, "Mother if you'd never cheated on my real dad he wouldn't have killed himself! Everything is all YOUR fault! You're an awful mother! If you'd have been more kind and caring I wouldn't have all these problems! I have major anxiety and depression from your constant mental abuse from when I was a kid, 'You're worthless, unwanted, unloved, a mistake, you shouldn't be alive, you're a disgrace, you're dumb, idiotic, stupid, annoying...' Mother do you know how much words hurt? Do you know that you butchered my self esteem? My mess of a life is all your fault!"

Stepdad suddenly stood up, empty beer bottle raised behind his head, I fell to the ground flashbacks rushing through my head.


I was about 10, stepdad got 'fed up with my shit' when in fact he was extremely drunk and got pissed at me for begging him to stop drinking. He threw a full beer bottle at me but i dodged and it shattered with a loud crash! On the wall behind me. He stood over me and slapped me hard across the face, so hard the force if it made me collapse on the ground. There He kicked me and kept hitting me spatting swear words and other words that permentally get etched into your head.

There were much more similar incidents, some not as bad, others worse. All carved into my mind, permanently.

*end of flashback*

Stepdad had apparently been yelling at me,

"----Mom like that! Hey, are you even listening you punk??" He threw the bottle on the ground and it shattered right in front of me, before I could even flinch a big piece came up and sliced my forehead, it suddenly started stinging. I raised my hand to the new wound and brought it back covered in blood. This wast the first time anything like this had happened, though I feel this is the worst.

"You deserved that you piece of shit, problematic weakling!" He raised his hand which was balled into a fist, he was about to bring it down in a hard hit, all I could do is flinch and brace myself.

After a few seconds the hit never came but a familiar voice did, "Don't lay a hand on her!" It was Dan. I looked up to see him holding stepdads wrist.

"Could you just leave her alone? You've ruined her life enough as it is!" Dan shouted. "And who the fuck are you?" Stepdad and mom questioned in unity.

I suddenly started feeling really lightheaded and dizzy, then I completely blacked out. The last thing I heard was Dan frantically shouting my name.

Dan's POV:

I was waiting outside, I kept hearing screaming but I was waiting for the best moment to go in, though I felt bad for Y/N. She always told me how awful her parents were, if you can even call them parents... But being told and witnessing first hand are two different things.

Suddenly I heard a loud crash and looked in through the window to see a broken beer bottle, Y/N bleeding from her forehead and I'm assuming her stepdad, about to hit her.

I hurried in as fast as possible and grabbed his raised hand from behind, "Don't lay a hand on her!" I yelled. Both her 'parents' yelled, "Who the fuck are you?" At me and I was about to reply when suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see Y/N collapse on the ground, "Y/N!" I exclaimed, concerned and rushed to her side, she was passed out probably from loss of blood. "Get away from my daughter!" Her 'mom' yelled.

"No, look what you've done to her! At least I care about her." I replied sternly taking her in my arms bridal style.

"Drop her or else!" Her stepdad yelled. "Or else what?" I challenged, "Go ahead hurt me just let me protect my friend."

Suddenly her stepdad punched me right on the eye, It hurt and would probably become a black eye later but I stood my ground and held Y/N tight. Another punch to the lip, causing it to bleed instantly, Y/N's stepdad reared back for another punch, i braced myself thinking, So this is what Y/N went through all those years. No wonder she's the way she is.

"Honey!" Her "mom" cut In, "I think that's enough just let them go, I don't care about Y/N and I know you don't either. So just let them go, we'll hopefully never see her again."

"Fine." The stepdad said coldly and backed off.
I walked out, Y/N safely in my arms not saying anything to her parents.

That's right you'll never see her again, I'm taking her someplace safe. I thought to myself.

Life Is Precious, Just Like Him - Phil Lester X Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now