Something About Him

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My eyes flew open and I sat up bringing my knees to my chest rocking back and forth slightly, I was shaking like a leaf and my heart raced, I felt weak, defenseless, like I couldn't do anything. Tears flowed down my cheeks staining the couch I was on. I couldn't stop them, neither could I stop my thoughts which were racing a hundred miles a minute.

I was having a panic attack.

I was so swept up in my panic attack I didn't seem to notice where I was, or who was hugging me, whispering comforting sweet nothing's.

"It's okay, you're gonna be alright. You're safe now you won't be hurt anymore... Just calm down, deep breaths if you can, think positive thoughts if possible. You'll be alright, you'll be okay just hang in there you can do this, you're strong." The voice said.

Soon I calmed down and quit crying, I weakly pushed the person hugging me away from me, "Wh-who are you?" I stuttered, startled when I didn't recognize this person.

He had jet black hair and icy blue eyes plus a sweet, soft smile. He looked overall harmless and I actually got a nice vibe off of him but I was still tense.

"My names Phil Lester, I'm friends with Dan. You should know him right? He saved you from getting... hurt more from your parents and brought you here. This is my place and he lived here too before he went off to college where he met you! Haha, college wasn't your thing was it?" He laughed a bit trying to lighten the mood, I nodded in agreement but didn't say anything for I was really nervous.

"Hmm still not warmed up to me? Wanna ask me questions to get to know Me?" He asked gently but still happily. I shrugged a tiny bit and figured I could trust him, "Sure, I suppose... Um.. Favorite color?" I ask softly.

"Ooh nice question, I like blue! What about you? Hehe that rhymed! I'm a poet and I didn't know it!" Phil giggled.

I smiled a bit because his laugh was honestly kinda cute, he had the whole disposition of a kid, so sweet, innocent seeming and silly which made it so much easier for Me to relax around him, "I like F/C." I replied.

"Ooh that's a nice color, what about... Oh I know! Favorite animal?" He asked.

"F/A," I simply replied. "What about you?"

"I like lions!" He exclaimed, "Actually hold on!" Phil rushed off somewhere only to come back a few moments later with a tiny stuffed lion, "This is Lion!" He said, "Lion this is Y/N."

I giggled and didn't bother to ask why he knew my name because I already knew Dan probably told him. Dan... Dan...

"Where's Dan?" I suddenly ask. "Oh he went grocery shopping he should be back soon." Phil answered, "Before he left he told me everything about you and your life. I'm truly sorry how bad it was but Dan and I vow to make it better. We'll akways be here if you need us."

"Th-thank y-you." I stuttered as tears pricked at my eyes again, and Phil noticed immediately. "Oh no! Are you okay? Should I have not brought up your past? I'm sorry I-"

"No it's fine," I interrupted him, "Dan and you are the only two who actually seem to care." I wiped my eyes.

"Aww, well you may not know me too well but I know you pretty well... Er, or at least your back story because of Dan and I vow to make it better. You didn't deserve to through all That because you seem really nice." Phil promised and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

O hugged him back, feeling protected in his arms which I find ironic how I feel safe around pretty much a stranger, but he seems different than others.

He kept hugging me until I pulled away, "Hey do you like anime?" He questioned once I did.

"Yeah of course!" I exclaimed which seemed to please Phil because he smiled brightly and sat back on the couch with me, he grabbed the TV remote and went to Netflix, "Hmm now which anime?" He turned to Me and asked.

"Hmm..." I looked at the animes then exclaimed, "Attack on Titan!"

"Good choice!" Phil said then played it and when the opening came on he chanted along with the lyrics, "Sie sind das Essen und Wir sind die Jaeger!" Which made Me laugh.

We just sat there watching it, talking, getting to know each other more and Phil kept making little jokes throughout the episode making me giggle. Overall I was having a good time.

Funny how I warmed up to him so quickly.... There's something about him that I love. Or actually, is love at first sight possible?

Life Is Precious, Just Like Him - Phil Lester X Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now