Dan The 'Sexual Predator' Drunk

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My head throbbed as I flickered my eyes open, I felt arms around my waist and was really confused. "Huh?" I questioned out loud and then suddenly realized Dan was in bed beside me shirtless and only in his boxers, I was fully clothed thankfully. He was holding me really close to him and I looked around to see three completely empty bottles of wine on the floor.

Oh shit Dan probably got wrecked last night after I passed out... Oops.

I tried to wiggle free from Dan's grip but it was too tight.

I sighed feeling really uncomfortable, he probably put me in bed after making sure I was okay then got wasted himself because he wanted to 'have fun' then crashed beside Me in bed.

Suddenly Dan rustled beside me, "Hey Y-Y/N.." Dan stuttered as I turned toward him, his breath smelling like wine. "Dan can you please let go of me." I asked. "Why? I know youlikeit." He slurred.

"Dan..." I muttered. "Sh shh sweetheart." He put a finger to my lips, "I loves you."

"Dan!!" I exclaimed, "You're drunk, stop it no you don't."

He nodded, "Actually Yesh I do. Remember last night when I said I liked you? Well I never got over you."

"Stop it, how drunk are you?!" I struggled in his grip. "It's true. You're really hot. Now do you like me?" He asked. "No, no more than a friend. Dan please let go of me you need to sleep your.. Your drunkness off." I said.

He laughed, "Y/N I know you like me what're you talking about?" He moved and pinned me down by holding my wrists above my head and put his face close to mine.

"But I don't like you! Get off of me!" I exclaimed struggling in his grip, "Then I'll make you like me." He replied and kissed me kinda roughly. I managed to beak one of my hands free from his grip and shoved him to get off me and he did but then put his hand on my thigh, "What am I too much for you?" He seductively said, biting his lip.

"Dan your scaring me this isn't you!" I exclaimed. He laughed, "What do you mean? Of course I'm me."

"You're drunk, this isn't how you act when your sober. I don't like drunk you!" I slapped his hand away from me.

"I have no clue what you're talking about I'm notthat drunk." He hiccuped then moved his hand to my breasts this time. "I just wanna make you happy." He whispered in my ear and then went towards my neck where he went to lick it and suck it in attempt to leave a Hickey, and also began dry grinding me.

I started panicking, I wish Phil had never left oh god. I suddenly did the first thing that came to mind and kicked Dan off of me with all the strength I had. And with my fight or flight kicked in thankfully it made me stronger, he tumbled off the bed and hit the back of his head against the dresser.

"Ow, shit.." He curses under his breath as I rushed to Phil's room which thankfully had a lock on it. I locked myself in the room and hid in the corner, I broke down crying.

That wasn't the sweet, caring Dan I know, that Dan... He's scary. If Phil was Still here that probably wouldn't have happened... Though it's not his fault. If it's anyone's fault it'd be Dan's because he was the one who got himself so drunk. Dan shouldn't drink...

Finally I calmed myself down after crying for like 10 minutes and having a mini panic attack. I got My phone and called Phil, the phone Rang a few times before I was greeted by Phil's happy voice which was a bit more soothing, "Hey Y/N! What's up?"

"Ph-Phil..." My voice was still shaking, "I-I don't wanna be a bother but can you please come home sooner?"

Phil could tell something was wrong, "Y/N.. What happened?" His voice got more serious.

"Dan g-got drunk and tried to-"

"What?!?" Phil shouted cutting me off already getting the just, "Are you okay?"

"I managed to escape by kicking him off Me before he could do much. But still I'm scared, I locked myself in your room." I simply explained but ended up going more into detail after Phil worriedly asked Me to.

I heard phil mutter something under his breath but it was inaudible, he raised his voice back to normal and said, "I'll try to get home by tomorrow or the day after. Try your best to avoid dan, he'll hopefully sober up soon."

I nodded then remembered that Phil couldn't see me, "Alright thanks... I'm so sorry for ruining your plans its just-"

"No it's okay I completely understand. Dan shouldn't have done that." Phil replied.

"Yeah.." I just murmured.

"Do you want me to call Dan and talk to him?" Phil offered.

"No!" I exclaimed then realised I practically yelled and lowered my voice, "No... I'm scared for his reaction because of course he's still drunk and everything."

"Hmm, good point. I'll deal with him when I get home." Phil assured.

"Thank you." I say.

"Of course, just hang in there I'll be back tomorrow or something." Phil responded.

"Alright." Is all I said.

"I'm sorry but I gotta go now. I'm gonna tell my parents that I have to leave early and everything." Phil said.

"It's fine you go, bye." I said though I honestly didn't want phil to go, for I at least felt comforted by his voice.

"okay, Goodbye." And with that Phil hung up.

I just sat there not knowing what else to do, still surprised about what Dan did, it's scary how alcohol can change people so much. How it can make people loose control of themselves and do things they wouldn't usually do when they're sober. Dan would never do that if he wasn't drunk, though it still is surprising even drunk Dan would be so forceful when it comes to something like... What he did.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door that made me Jump, "Y-Y/N I'm sorry! I d-didnt mean to make you uncomfortable!" Dan yelled through the Door obviously still drunk because he was hiccuping.

"Leave me be!" I yelled.

"But I'm sorry." Dan started rattling the doorknob. "I said, leave me Alone!" I shouted louder.

I climbed into Phil's bed laying down facing away from the door and pulled my earbuds out of my pocket and plugged them into my phone blasting music by my favorite band to block out Dan's persistence.

Oh god Dan please just back off and get sober soon. I thought to myself and tried to imagine good things instead of worrying about Dan.

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