Bickering leads to third wheel awkwardness

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By the time we were almost done with the 2nd episode the doorknob turned and the door opened, I looked over to see Dan struggling with a bunch if grocery bags.

"Hey dan you're back!" Phil exclaimed .

"Yes, great greet me while I'm about to topple over and be murdered when all these bags fall on me." Dan said sarcastically. I laughed and got up to help him, I took some of the bags from him and put them on the counter.

"Oh thanks Y/N but shouldn't you Still be resting? Is your head still bothering you?" Dan asked me.

I had almost forgot about the cut on my head, "Nah I'm fine, it doesn't really hurt and don't worry Phil has been keeping me company." I replied

Dan came back in with a few more bags he left outside the door and said, "That's good, Phil did his job then." He looked over at phil who was giving a thumbs up, then his gaze shifted over to the TV, "You Bloody wankers were watching Attack On Titan without me?!" He exclaimed. Phil pointed at me, "It was her fault she chose it!"

"Oh yeah accuse me!" I rolled my eyes and smiled. Dan laughed a bit, "Well at least let me watch it too!" He ran over and sat on the couch, patting a space in between him and Phil that he left open for me. "Come on Y/N sit down already you slow ass snail."

"Hey!" Phil proclaimed, "Don't call her that, she's a precious bean." I was surprised that Phil called me that but it made me happy too. I went over and sat in between the Two boys which was slightly awkward but eh.

Phil patted my head and said, "Yay you joined us!" I just smiled not knowing what to say.

"Phil you're making her uncomfortable." Dan stated.


"I don't think I am we're already buddies! She doesn't mind." Phil cut me off but I honestly didn't mind. I just sighed and stayed silent while the boys kinda bickered back and forth.

"Do you guys do this a lot?" I broke in after a bit. Dan and Phil both shut up and they were silent for a few seconds before Phil broke the silence by saying, "Honestly probably yeah, but it's usually Dan's fault, he yells a lot."

"Phil, Is it accuse others day or something like bloody hell." Dan kinda glared at Phil.

"I don't mean to I'm sorry Mr pissy pants." Phil retorted. "You wanna go little boi??" Dan sat up and challenged.

"Nooo I want peace not violence, you don't fight fire with fire!" Phil replied.

"Well l do!" Dan exclaimed.

"This is a whole new side of dan." I stated, "You've riled him up Phil I've never seen him like this."

"Oh really that's a surprise.." Phil said, actually surprised.

"Yeah he was really gentle and quiet back at College. Except for sometimes I heard him talking to himself sometimes... It was weird." I answered.

Dan suddenly laughed a bit, "Oh shit I didn't know you heard me." I gave him a weird look and simply asked, "What?"

"Did you not know that Dan is a Youtuber?" Phil asked me.

"What really?! Woah." I gasped, "Why'd you not tell me?" I asked him.

Dan simply shrugged, "I thought you wouldn't be interested and I rarely ever post so.."

"Yeah at least I'm a better Youtuber than him." Phil commented.

"Haha neat." I said, "What kind of things do you post?"

Dan suddenly looked so done as Phil started randomly bursting out laughing, "If you say anything I swear..." Dan threatened Phil, but that didn't stop him, "Hi. My name is.... •Dan• and this is my first proper video..." Phil quoted and Dan jumped up, "That's it I'm done. I'm gonna go die!"

"Daaan nooo!" I grabbed the back of his shirt trying to pull him back.

"Nooo I'm the living embodiment of cringe. And phil won't let me forget." Dan complained as He curled up on the ground.

"He's having an extesential crisis again." Phil said, "Aw Daaan." I reached down and patted his back. "Oh he's fine he does this a lot." Phil told me, "I know I've seen him do this like 2 or 3 times in college." I responded.

"Oh Danny Boi couldn't handle college?" Phil teased. "You know I couldn't stand it so you shut your stupid college graduate mouth!" Dan snapped. I awkwardly stood up not knowing what to do and slowly walked to my suitcase grabbing it then crept away into a random room not knowing what else to do while the boys bickered and teased each other. Living with two boys will be really weird but hopefully I'll adapt to it. I mean at least it's better than college and definitely better than home... 

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