Livestreams With Phil

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I've now been living with Dan and Phil for almost 2 months now. I've been happier other than my random break downs and panic attacks but the boys have been helping me a lot through those which I'm quite thankful for.

I was currently just lounging on a couch scrolling through instagram on my phone with Dan nearby in his weird browsing position probably wasting his life away on Tumblr. Phil was in his room, probably recording a video like Dan told me.

"Hey Dan?" I randomly asked.

"What's up Y/N?" He answered not taking his eyes off his laptop screen.

"What would phil do if I went In in him recording?"

"Eh I did it all the time he never minded why are you planning on raiding his video?" Dan responded.

"Yeah I guess, I just wanna see what he's doing." I said and Dan shrugged, "Well feel free too."

And with that I got up from the couch and went to Phil's room, the door was shut but I heard him talking... About his houseplants?

I cracked the door open and peeked through, instead of a normal video he seemed to be doing a livestream. Without warning I lost balance probably from putting too much pressure on the door and it swung open making me fall to the ground, "Ow shit." I groaned and Phil jumped a bit and squealed.

"Heheh sorry I've invaded your livestream." I stated propping my head up on my hands trying to act natural, Phil quickly realized it was just me because his face brightened and he exclaimed, "Oh it's fine! Come here sit by me you can join in!"

I army crawled over to phil because I was too lazy to get up and actually walk like a normal person. Once I was sat by him and on screen the chat started blowing up, 'Who's she?' 'Did Phil finally get a girlfriend?!' 'Ooh she's pretty.' 'PHIL EXPLAIN YOURSELF.' 'Introduce her!' 'Wait what about Phan??' Most of the comments were actually quite good to my surprise.

Phil gestured to me with wide arms, "This here is Y/N! She lives with me and Dan now and is my new buddy! She's pretty cool please treat her well and welcome her guys!"

I felt flattered as the chat blew up with, 'Hi Y/N!' 'Welcome!' 'I ship her and Phil!!' 'Wait i thought Dan was in college?' 'Can we ask her questions?!' 'I wanna know some things about her!'

There was a lot of people who wanted to know about me so I thought I'd honestly tell them, "Well i met Dan and college and I was his dorm mate, though we both struggled especially me from my anxiety, Depression and not to mention a lot of stress so me and Dan dropped out together. I tried going back home but my parents wouldn't take me back because honestly they're abusive assholes and were pissed when they found out I dropped out. Thankfully Dan saved me and brought me here to Phil's and his flat where of course i met Phil and we pretty much bonded immediately! I've been living with Dan and Phil for over a month now and I'm honestly glad Dan took me under His wing and brought me here, and that Phil accepted me immediately and let me stay. I've been much happier and the boys have been helping me a lot which I'm thankful for!" I explained. Phil ruffled my hair, "Yeah she's had a rough life but I've been making it better the past almost two Months she's been here!" He happily said and I agreed with a nod, "Yeah definitely. Um guys, if you want you can ask me questions I suppose." I awkwardly said.

Instantly the chat blew up with questions, and slowly I tried my best to answer every question until I got to one question that made me kinda flustered.

'Y/N~ do you have a crush on Philll? Or do you think you'll ever date him? Because I already ship it!'

Phil looked over at me smiling as something sparkled in his eyes, "Ooh confess you're secrets Y/N! But be careful because I'm sensitive so don't destroy my feelings." His smile turned into a pout for a second but his eyes never separated from mine.

"Well..." I started trying to hide my awkwardness, "I mean Phil is a great person but I've only known him for like 2 months now, plus pfft who'd like me? I'm definitely not worthy enough for him, but if I Ever did find out he liked me, then honestly yeah I probably would but haha that'll never happen.."

Phil suddenly tackle hugged me making me fall over and I squealed, "Y/N!" He drawled out my name, "You are worthy! And You're the amazing one, and I'd be honored to date you! I mean... I sound like I'm flirting oh no." Phil trailed off blushing but didn't let go of Me.

Suddenly the door slammed open, "Rawrr! The Danosau- holy shit am I invading in on something?" It was Dan.

Phil suddenly got up, "No I was only hugging her!" He exclaimed defensively but was blushing.

"Huh were you? Then why are you blushing?" Dan playfully challenged and came over and got in Phil's face.

"Because you embarrassed me!" Phil proclaimed looking away from Dan. "Mhmm." Dan hummed unbelievably.

I just snickered at the boys, but my mind was rushing with thoughts, for once fairly good ones.

Does Phil know I like him now? Was I too obvious? Was he only saying that to not hurt me? But... What if he does actually like me? He did seem kinda flustered... He can't though, no one else has ever liked me and why would he? I'm a mess, while he's perfect and adorable... Yet again, there's a first time for everything. Could there be a possibility?

Life Is Precious, Just Like Him - Phil Lester X Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now