Truth or Dare, What Could Go Wrong?

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After the whole situation with Phil finding out I cut he's been extremely watchful and protective over me. I've reassured him multiple times I'm okay, that he helped me. He still doesn't believe me though but honestly I barely do too.

Dan, Phil and I were sitting on the couch watching anime and eating snacks when Phil suddenly got a text, he looked at his phone then started texting back a few seconds later.

"Whats up?" I asked curiously.

"Um, my parents want me to go and visit them." Phil replied. "Oh nice!" I say happily, "They must be great considering how sweet you are."

Phil smiled, "Oh stop it Y/N..." He bashfully said, "But that means I'll need to leave you." His smile faded into a frown.

"Aww, I'll be fine. I have Danny Boi here, he'll keep me company and you won't be gone long I'm assuming." I respond.

Dan turned to us, "Yeah, I'll watch over her. You go and visit your parents!" He told Phil. Phil sighed, "Fine I'll go but I'll be gone for a few days. They want me to leave as soon as possible, so I might as well start packing now."

"Aww alright, need any help?" I offered, "Sure! You can keep me company. I like having your presence." Phil happily responded.

"Yay!" I quickly jumped up and followed him to his room. There I sat on his bed while he dug out a suitcase and started putting clothes and other things Like his laptop, laptop charger, phone charger, and some other things.

When he was about to zip it all up I looked behind me and spotted Lion on his pillow, "Noo don't forget Lion!" I exclaim and pick him up handing him to Phil. He took Lion smiling, "Oh god thanks Y/N! I cant forget him!"

I giggled, "No problem. I just saved your life, didn't I?"

"Yes definitely, Lion means the world to me. Thank you, you're my hero." Phil said.

"More like you're my hero but okay." I replied and Phil's eyes sparkled as he leaned down and hugged me, "I won't be gone long hang in there."

"Alright I know plus I have Dan. I'll be alright, and you'll text I'm Hoping!" I say.

"Of course. But haha we're acting like a married couple who'll be separated for months." Phil joked.

I blushed a bit but laughed, he didn't really know how much I've actually became attached to him or how adapt I've became to his presence so a few days would feel more like 50 probably for me.

After he was all packed Phil and I left his room and we went to the living room where Dan was still, "Welp I'm gonna leave soon." Phil stated to Dan.

Dan got up and went to us, "Alright you have fun, don't worry Y/N spent a whole few months with me in college, she'll be okay in my hands." Dan reassured Phil and bro-hugged him.

"Alright alright, thanks." Phil said and quickly called a taxi, we talked a bit more before Phil hesitantly said, "Oh no the taxi is here, I have to leave now, see ya Y/N if you want you can sleep in my room instead of sleeping on the couch!" He offered, "My bed is really comfy."

"Aww thank you." I smiled and hugged him one last time before me and dan said our byes and he set off for a few days to see his parents.

After I watched Phil's taxi fade into the distance I turned to Dan, "So what're we gonna do now?" I asked him.

He was reaching into the fridge and pulling out a bottle of wine, he casually pulled himself a cup. "Hmm I don't really know?" He trailed off thinking, taking a sip of it. "We could play truth or dare for a video." He finally stated.

"Omg that's a great idea!" I exclaimed.

"Great! Come on." He dragged me to his room bringing his thing of wine with him and quickly turned on the camera once we were settled.

"Hello internet! This Video idea literally just hit me but I'll be doing truth or dare with my friend Y/N!" He started then turned to me, "Do you wanna go first or me?"

"Hmmm you can." I responded and Dan nodded, "Okay truth or dare."

"Truth." I stated.

"Ooh come on you scaredy cat! Truth? Really?" Dan exclaimed.

"Yeah because I don't trust you!" I replied. Dan laughed, "You have a good point... Anyways Hmm.. Have you ever had your first kiss?" He asked.

"Nope never. I've always been a huge social outcast, I've never had a real friend or Even date-mate." I answered.

Dan took another drink, "Aww poor Buddy. Yeah I was your first real friend right?"

I nodded, "But now it's my turn to ask you! Truth or dare?"

"Dare! I'm no pussy."

"Oh no I suck at coming up with these.." I muttered, "Umm... I dare you to tell your deepest secret!"

"Pfft, yeah you do suck at these." Dan teased, taking another drink before answering, "I don't really have any secrets though but lemme think... Oh. When I first met you in college I had a crush on you."

"what?" I gasped, honestly surprised.

"Yep it's true..." He said, "Anyways truth or dare."

"Truth." I stated again.

"Oh come on!" Dan exclaimed but then sighed, "Fine have you ever got drunk before?"

I shook my head, "Nope. I've been too scared to drink. I don't wanna be an alcoholic like my stepdad was."

Sympathy flashed through Dan's eyes but he raised His already almost empty glass shaking it a little, "There's nothing wrong with a drink here and there." He said.

I shrugged, "Yeah I suppose. Truth or dare." "I'll sink down to your Level truth." Dan replied.

I rolled my eyes, "Why're you even drinking right now anyways?" I asked.

Dan shrugged, "I figured eh why not? Phil's gone time to party!" He joked and laughed a little. "But Phil is cool you shouldn't party over him being gone." I tisked.

"Yeahh I suppose but still, I just wanted a drink." Dan said and to that I replied, "Well you do you... And I'll do me and we won't do each other. Hopefully." (Markiplier anyone? XD)

Dan laughed at that and chugged the rest of his wine, and quickly paused the recording for a second rushing out of the room and coming back a minute later with two more bottles. He settled down and continued the recording, "Truth or dare... If you choose truth one more time I swear.." He lightly threatened.

"You swear what?" I rhetorically asked, "You don't need to Answer because fine... I choose dare."

Dan smirked and poured a full glass of wine and handed it to me, "I dare you to chug this."

I hesitantly took it, "What really?" I asked and dan nodded, "Yeah don't be a pussy you have to have your first drink at some point so do it!"

I took a deep breath and then downed it, "Happy now?" I asked as I tried to push the feeling of nausea away. "Hell yeah! High five." He held up his hand to high five me but we missed. Dan poured both of us another glass and he started drinking his quickly, again I hesitantly took mine but drank it anyways just to impress Dan,"Truth or d-dare Dan?" I hiccuped.

"Truth." He answered smoothly.

"Two things.." I started, "How drunk are you on the drunk scale?"

"I don't know not that drunk like 4 or 5.. Now what's the other question?" Dan answered. "Is it possible for me to get drunk on only two glasses?" I asked.

"Well probably, considering this is the first ever time you've drunk, you probably have a weak alcohol tolerance." He said.

"Grea..." I murmured and then my head started spinning and pounding, I held it with my hands. "Y/N are you okay?" Dan asked me noticing that something was up.

I shook my head about to say, 'Nope I think I'm already drunk.' But instead I fell backwards, passing out as i heard Dan shouting, "Oh shit!"

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