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I entered the house with Y/N still in my arms, I'd told Phil last night that'd I'd be coming home but I forgot to mention about bringing Y/N too, though he does know about her because she was my dorm mate. My best friend of course has to know about my dorm mate!

Almost as soon as I opened the door I heard Phil get up and run to me, "Hey Pal! Long time no se--" He cut himself off when he saw the condition me and Y/N were in.

"Oh my God what happened Dan?! And is that Y/N?" He worriedly asked, and I simply responded, "It's a long story I'll explain later but yes this is Y/N, she'll be living with us."

I walked past Phil and gently set Y/N on the couch, Phil knew what to do and stated, "I'll get the first aid kit!" And he rushed to grab it.

"Great thanks." I replied, then started examining the cut in Y/N's head. It had thankfully mostly stopped bleeding and didn't seem stitch worthy surprisingly, but it still looked awful.

Soon Phil came with the First aid kit and then knelt down next to me, in front of Y/N on the couch. "A cut in her head eh?" He stated. I nodded, "Yep Phil stating the obvious as usual." I sarcastically say as I took out some rubbing alcohol to cleanse the cut.

"Ah, yeah sorry... Why's she passed out?" He apologized and asked.

"She wanted to dropout because college is so stressful and overwhelming, I told her I felt the same so we decided to drop out together. I drove her back to her home, but lingered outside because her parents are abusive..."

"What?!" Phil interrupted me, "Poor her that's awful!" I nodded in agreement as I placed a bit of gauze on her head just in case of it bleeding again then added a large band-aid. "There. That should be good." I sighed then continued my explanation to Phil, "So I decided to stay to butt in if necessary and I'm so glad I did. Her 'parents,'" I did air quotations when I said parents, "Were yelling awful things at her calling her worthless, a failure, weak and practically saying they didn't want or care about her."

Phil gasped, sypathy and worry filling his eyes, "That's awful no one deserves to be called those things!"

"Yep i know, it was sad to hear." I agreed and continued, "But anyways it got worse, she finally tried sticking up for herself and her 'dad' snapped and threw his beer bottle at her and that's how she got the cut."

Phil looked like he was about to cry, he's always been really empathetic and caring, he looked down at Y/N, "She's been through stuff like this her whole life hasn't she?"

I nodded, "From what she's told me yes and now I know for sure, though I believed her initially. She has major anxiety and depression because of it, she has a lot of panic attacks and mental breakdowns so you'll need to learn to always be here for her." I explained.

"I definitely will be we can't let her suffer through her problems by herself, she needs rocks to support her and what's what we'll be. I'll help her through everything." Phil said seriously, I smiled a bit, "That's good to know and yeah she has no one else. We'll be her lifelines."

"Wait what about any other friends? Like from school before college?" Phil asked curiously.

"No one, she was bullied on top of the abuse. From what she's told me, people would befriend her, and gain her trust only to back-stab her and purposely shatter her trust just to see her suffer. So she also has really bad trust issues, Hell it took her like 2 months to actually warm up to me. We barely talked until one night I woke up to her sobbing from waking up to a panic attack. I went and comforted her and she said I was the only one to ever comfort her during a panic attack or breakdown or anything. After that night she started confessing to me about all her problems, how hard her childhood was and everything. I feel so bad for her..." I finally trailed off.

"Yeah no one deserves to go through so much pain and suffering." Phil quietly said.

"Yeah... Anyways I never got to finish about what happened to us... I rushed in right when her stepdad was about to hit her. I just couldn't let him hurt her anymore so I grabbed him from the back of his wrist and told him not to touch her. Suddenly Y/N passed out from too much loss of blood. I rushed over to help her and her parents yelled at me, her dad punched me in the lip and eye, obviously. It hurt but I decided to take the pain because Y/N suffered through stuff like that her whole life... With no one to help her. She's so strong... But yeah that's it. That's why Y/N is here." I finally finished.

"Whoa." Is all Phil managed to say, and I just simply looked at Y/N.

There was some silence between us for a few minutes before I stood up, "I'm gonna bring mine and Y/N's suitcases in then go grocery shopping because didn't you tell me last night you were getting low on food?"

"Yeah, and alright sounds good." Phil replied. I quickly went out to the car and brought our suitcases inside then before i left to go grocery shopping I looked directly at Phil, "Phil. I'm trusting you, while im gone if she wakes up keep her company and watch over her, but be careful at first for she's really skittish and sensitive."

"Alright Dan I promise I will. Bye." He reassured.

"Great, I'll be back soon." And with that I left.

Life Is Precious, Just Like Him - Phil Lester X Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now