Getting Wet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Phil lead me to a tree filled park, near a river. We walked around a bit and ended up settling down by the river, "Woah it's really pretty." I commented.

"Not as pretty as you." Phil smoothly said, winking at me, I looked at him and smirked, "Really?" I said laughing a bit.

"What we're dating, right? I deserve to make cheesy flirty jokes." Phil responded defensively.

"Yeah, alright alright." I rolled my eyes laughing again. Phil got up and walked toward the river, "What're you doing?" I questioned, curiously.

After rolling up his jean legs he went into the river and splashed water on me. I squealed, "Hey! What's that for??"

"Revengeee." Phil answered smirking.

I took off my converse and rolled up my jean leggings too then went into the water with Phil, "You want a water fight? You're on!" I exclaimed and bent down dipping my hands into the cold but refreshing water then splashing Phil back.

He just laughed and splashed me back, then we continued acting like kids and soaking each other with the water.

We continued for like 10 minutes before I ended up loosing my balance and falling back into the water.

Thankfully we weren't in a deep section of the river so the water only went up to not much higher than my waist. I was actually hysterically laughing as I was sitting on my butt with my hands behind on me supporting me.

"Oh my God are you okay?" Phil frantically asked as he came wading over to help me up. "No im dying.. Yeah of course i'm fine! Does it look like I'm suffering?" I sarcastically answered.

"Yes definately, here let me help you up." Phil reached his hand down to pull me up and I took it, but instead of letting Phil lift me up I yanked him down next to me into the water. He fell down with a huge splash, most of the water hitting me, soaking me more.

"Y/N!" Phil exclaimed drawing out my name, "We're both dripping wet now."

I laughed, "That can be taken so wrongly."

"And i'm assuming that's how you're taking it?" Phil said shaking his head smiling, "Wow bad Y/N..."

I just rolled my eyes and stood up then grabbed Phil's hand to actually pulled him up, "We should go home now to dry off." I stated.

"True we don't wanna catch a cold. The water is freezing." Phil agreed as we walked out of the water and put on our shoes then began walking home.

It didn't take too long to get home and once we did we were fairly dry from the sun, but Phil suggested we'd take showers and change. "You should go first, I think you got more wet than me."

I sighed, "Alright. But what if i wanna get sick?"

"Then that's pretty sadistic." Phil said with a small smile, "Go shower, I'll work on making food."

I obeyed and quickly showered then changed and walked out of the bathroom to the livingroom. Phil had already changed and was sitting on the couch eating some ramen, he looked up at me, "I decided to just change. There's a thing of ramen on the table for you, sorry I just got lazy."

"Aw it's fine. I love ramen." I grabbed it then sat down by Phil and looked at the TV, he was watching Buffy. "Buffy and Anime are like the only things you watch arent they?" I commented.

"Yeah pretty much." He answered kinda awkwardly.

I shrugged, "Its okay, I've never really even watched Buffy."

Phil flashed me an incredulous look, "Really?" He gasped sounding surprised and slightly offended. I laughed nervously, "Nope I haven't."

"That's it I'm forcing you to go on a Buffy Binge!" He proclaimed and started it from the first episode.

"Oh boi..." I murmured, "Am I gonna become buffy trash like you?"

"Yup." Phil answers his eyes transfixed onto the TV.

"Should I be scared?" I ask.

"Yup." Phil repeated this time with a smirk.

By now Phil finished his Ramen and set it on the coffee table, I only finished half of mine but I was really tired so I set mine on the table too and laid my head down on Phil's lap, looking up at him at first but then when he looked down at me I flicked my eyes over to the TV. Phil started stroking my hair sweetly and soothingly and after like 3 episodes I ended up dozing off.

Life Is Precious, Just Like Him - Phil Lester X Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now