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I sat nervously in the waiting room of the hospital, one of the kind policemen brought me here, he told me that he could tell Dan meant a lot to me by how devastated I looked, plus he just couldn't let me go back home in the cold, darkness and pouring rain.

Thankfully even though my phone screen had cracked, it was still usable so I managed to text Phil and tell him where I was and a quick synopsis of what happened, and he said he'd be here soon which I was very thankful for because all I want right now is a nice long hug from Phil. But for now, I just wait alone and anxious.

After just sitting and letting my thoughts torture me, blaming me for this whole situation and making me feel like shit I decided to rest, for it was about 1 AM and I was absolutely drained. I laid down and curled up on the waiting room chairs, thankfully they had cushions so they were at least slightly comfortable, and no one else minus a few hospital workers were in here so I didn't have to worry. I ended up quickly dozing off.

I felt something warm draped over me, my eyelids flickered open and I sleepily sat up and stretched, popping my back and neck. The warm item that was draped over me fell off me, it was a jacket. "Hey you're awake." Phil's voice sounded from a seat behind me. I quickly turned around and threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly. he hugged me back. "I'm so glad you're here, I'm sorry I left Phil. This whole situation is my fault, I shouldn't have left. If I'd never left Dan wouldn't have been hit and... and..." I couldn't end because I broke out in tears yet again. "Shh Y/N it's alright, this isn't your fault. Dan and I shouldn't have been arguing to the point where you felt you needed to leave, I already know how fighting makes you feel. You've been through a lot tonight and you definitely shouldn't have, you don't deserve to hurt so much." Phil murmured as he kept hugging me and I sobbed into his chest.

"B-but it is my fault, I'm the one you were arguing about anyways. I fuck everything up... I shouldn't be here. Why do you even like me? I'm such a mess." I cried.

"Y/N, don't say that! None of that is true, you're amazing, sweet, cute, unique, funny and just fun to be around. So what if you have your flaws, everyone does. You're perfect in my eyes." Phil sweetly said, and even though that was really sweet I couldn't believe him.

"There's no such thing of perfect." I muttered.

"You have a point, You're right, you're not perfect. I'm not perfect either though, neither is Dan or anyone. We all have our problems, and we both know you have a lot, but still nothing can change how much I love you. Mental issues and bad past or not." He murmured and moved me back from him wiping my tears away with his thumbs.

I looked into his eyes, they were calming icy blue. They're like the ocean, I could get lost in them, and I did. Just looking into his eyes was relaxing. Phil blinked and I was snapped out of my daze. "You okay?" Phil asked. I nodded, "Yeah I'm just fine... You're eyes are just so beautiful I just kinda got lost in them," I admitted. A smile grew upon Phil's face, "Thank you, you have pretty eyes too."

I sat back in my chair and rested my head on Phil's shoulder, "While I was sleeping did you hear anything from the doctors about Dan?" I asked. Phil shook his head, "No not yet."

I sighed worriedly, "I'm scared."

Phil grabbed my hand and held it, "He'll be okay Y/N, don't worry. Dan's stubborn, he'll not be taken out."

I smiled slightly, "I hope so."

Phil and I waited another hour before a doctor finally came out and approached us, "You two are friends of Mr. Howell, correct?" He started.

I sat up, "Yes, yes we are. Is he okay?"

"Well, he suffered from several different things from what we could find. A few broken ribs, a concussion and internal bleeding, he actually just got out of surgery for the internal bleeding. We're keeping a close eye on him, so far he is stable." The doctor informed us.

Life Is Precious, Just Like Him - Phil Lester X Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now