Secrets Slip Out

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I was currently sat eating a hamburger and fries with Phil, whom was going on about some silly thing he did a few years ago and I was just smiling and laughing a bit as he rambled on.

Funny how I can go from being sad to happy in the matter of like half an hour, just because of Phil. After he finished his little story he took a bite of his hamburger and commented, "You look happier already." And smiled.

"It's because your happiness is contagious." I responded and Phil smiled brighter, "Noooo you're flattering me." He said. "I don't think it's even possible for you to be sad." I stated.

"Yeah I can!" Phil exclaimed and pretended to frown but couldn't and ended up smiling and laughing instead. "See?" I giggled.

"Okay yeah you have a point, but I am human with emotions so it still is possible for me to." Phil said.

"You're Human?" I pretend gasped. Phil just shook his head, playfully rolling his eyes. "Well I was able to get mad at Dan and yell at him. That's a human emotion." He pointed out.

"Hmm true. Okay you're half robot, Artificial intelligence!" I exclaimed. "Oh yes definitely, you found me out!" Phil went with it this time then went kinda serious, "Can I ask you a question though? Off topic." He asked.

I shrugged eating a few fries, "Sure, shoot."

"Have you ever dated Dan?" He asked. I was surprised, "No. Why?" I replied. Phil shrugged, "Dan told me he actually liked you so I was curious."

"Ah, okay. Well nope, I haven't dated anyone or had a first real kiss." I responded, I'm not counting Dan's 'kiss' as an actual kiss.

"Oh really?" Now Phil sounded surprised but he looked relieved?

"Yeah but I mean who would like me.." I Murmured, "I'm an oversensitive train wreck of emotions. I'm too much to deal with as I've been told, I cry too much and have too many breakdowns. Who'd wanna deal with all of that? I'm a mess, hell I don't even like myself so I can understand why no one else would..." I trailed off starting to drink My soda awkwardly.

"But Y/N that's not true! None of it is, you're perfect and amazing just the way you are. I'm surprised no one has ever liked you." Phil sweetly replied then in a lower voice said, "I would definitely date you."

I choked on my drink almost spitting it out so I covered my mouth with my hand until I swallowed everything. "Wait what?!" I gasped after hearing what Phil had quietly added.

Phil suddenly realised what he said and started spazzing, "You heard that? I thought I said that in my head!" His face turned red and he set it down on the table, putting his arms around it.

My heart was beating a hundred miles a minute, "W-Wait no Phil, don't feel bad," I started and reached over patting his head softly. "Is that true?" I asked. There was a few seconds of hesitance from Phil but then he nodded his head which he still had down. "I'm sorry!" He exclaimed though it was muffled.

"No, no, no it's fine! I'm honored..." I trailed off then gulped and said quietly, "I like you too." I looked down out of embarrassment as Phil's head slowly raised. "Really?" He asked.

I nodded looking up and meeting his eyes which were lit up with astonishment and joy, "Yeah I'm not kidding. I'd never joke about something like this, that'd be cruel. I honestly think I started liking you on the first day I Met you. Waking up to a panic attack only to immediately be embraced and comforted is something that's never happened to me before, even with Dan. You were and of course still are, so gentle and caring yet you only had just met me. I could immediately tell we'd bond and become close because there was just something about you that made me feel so comfortable. You're so sweet, dorky, precious, cute and your happiness and positivity is so contagious. You never fail to make me feel better. I love your smile, laugh and hugs. I always feel so safe when you hug me. You're the amazing one, Phil." I rambled on and ended up leaving Phil speechless for a few seconds but I could tell he was overjoyed.

Phil, still saying nothing got up from his side of the both we were in, rushed over and tackle hugged me making me fall back on the seat. "Phil, there's people here. They can see and to them it probably looks weird." I pointed out, but honestly didn't really mind because there was only like 3 or 4 others. "I don't care, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me." He murmured still clinging on happily and I hugged back. Phil finally sat up after like a one minute hug and pulled me up too, "I'm Sorry, I'm just so happy." He apologized but was still smiling.

"It's okay, I'm overjoyed too." I responded, "But what happens next? I've never been in a relationship before."

"Well..." Phil trailed off then grabbed my chin gently lifting it and softly and sweetly kissed me. I was surprised at first but once it clicked that he was kissing me I closed my eyes and melted into the kiss. He was way more gentle than Dan was, which I'm thankful for but hey it's Phil of course he'll be gentle.

After a few seconds he pulled away his face bright pink from blushing, "I've been wanting to do that for a while.." He admitted looking down and rubbing the back of his neck. I replied, "It's alright, Same honestly." And quickly started to finish my food for I noticed Phil was practically done and probably wanted to leave soon.

After I finished we got up and threw away our trash and he opened the door to the restruant for me, "Thank you Phil, you're such a gentleman." I commented with a smile as I looked up at him. "No problem Milady." He replied with a little giggle and he reached down for my hand intertwining his fingers with mine as he squeezed it a little smiling down at me.

Holding hands we began to walk around the city together, both of us bursting with happiness.

Life Is Precious, Just Like Him - Phil Lester X Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now