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Reader's POV

It's been a few months since Phil and I got together, and we've been doing great, nothing really bad has happened... Minus my random breakdowns and panic attacks but y'know those can't be controlled and even when those happened Phil has been there for me.

The humid summer full of long days and short nights is far gone, and the coldness of early winter has arrived. Which I honestly don't mind because that means more warm cuddles from Phil.

Speaking of the devil, he suddenly came into the living room where I was chilling and scrolling through Instagram mindlessly. "Hey Y/N," He leaned over the couch that I was laying on and looked down at me, his usual adorable smile plastered on his face. "Hi Philly-boi." I responded and laid my phone on my chest so I could look directly at him, "What's up?"

"Well, Dan and I were thinking... We all haven't gotten out of the house in a while, and so we decided we're all going out somewhere fun tonight." He explained. "Oh?" I curiously said, "And that place is?"

"The roller rink!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, cool." I say accidentally coming out as uninterested.

"Are you okay? Do you not want to go? I suppose we do-"
"No, no... That's not it. It's just last time I went rollerskating I kept falling and hurting myself and so y'know I'm kinda scared of rollerskating." I admit, interrupting Phil.

"Awh, but you'll have me with you. I'll make sure you wont get hurt. I'll help you! If you fall, I fall." Phil said.

I took a few seconds to think and then sighed, "Alright, sure." I trust Phil but I'm still really nervous.

"Yay! Get up, and get ready, I'll tell Dan." Phil ran off to go tell Dan.

I headed to the room I share with Phil now, and rummaged through the closet to find a sweater or something warm to change into because currently, I was just wearing one of Phil's flannels which was so big on me it was like a dress. Now I usually hate dresses because fuck femininity but I just wanted to wear one of Phil's shirts 'cause why not?

I ended up pulling out a black and gray kind-of tiedyed longsleeve shirt and some black ripped jeans. I unbuttoned Phil's flannel and took it off. I examined the old scars on my arms, I suddenly realized I actually haven't cut since I met Phil. Whoa, Phil really does have a positive impact on me...

I quickly changed and then put on a black jacket, choker and my combat boots and went back to the living room where Phil already was, in a Christmas jumper and his thick black jacket with a fur rim around the hood. He looked at me, "Wearing enough black there?" He smirked.

"Nope." I laughed, "I'm emo to the extremo."

Phil got up and walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, "Welp, you're my extremo emo." He said looking down at me sweetly. "Oof that was cheesy." I stated.

"Ahhh, no I hate cheese." Phil exclaimed.

"Well that's ironic because you're the king of cheesiness." I reply.

"Well, crap."

I laughed, "You're such a dork." I then stood on my tiptoes, leaning up and kissed Phil on the lips.

I felt Phil smile as he kissed me back.

"Oh, should I leave?" Dan's voice startled both of us and we pulled away.

"Damn Dan I didn't even hear you come in."

"Because I'm the sneak master." Dan rolled his eyes, "Alrighty are we gonna leave or are you two gonna just continue making out?"

Life Is Precious, Just Like Him - Phil Lester X Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now