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I flickered my eyes open, stretched and yawned. It took me a few seconds to realize I was in bed instead of on the couch where I originally fell asleep. Phil must've carried me here. I smiled softly and turned over to look at the clock, 11:45 AM it read. I stood up only to get really lightheaded and fell back onto the bed. After regathering myself I got back up and left the room slowly, Still feeling dizzy.

I found Phil in the kitchen sitting at the counter on his laptop, as soon as he heard me approaching he looked up. "Hey sleepy head, about time you woke up." He smiled.

I walked over to him but stumbled, thankfully though Phil swiftly caught me in his arms, "Woah there are you okay Y/N?" He asked worriedly. I nodded, "Uh yeah. I just feel a bit out of it still that's all." Phil stood me up again then helped me sit in one of the dining chairs, he suddenly pressed his hand to my forehead, "You feel warm." He stated, "Oh no, did you get sick from playing in that river yesterday?" He turned and opened one of the cupboards rummaging through, looking for something.

"What no I'm fi-"

"Ah-ha." Phil quietly declared and spun around, he cut me off by sticking a thermometer in my mouth, it surprised me but I kept it in anyways until it went off a few seconds later and Phil pulled it back out.

He looked at it and his eyes went wide, "101° ferenheit." He declared, "You are sick!"

"No, no I'm fine!" I tried reassuring but then I broke out in a mini coughing fit. Phil patted my back until I stopped, "You need to rest more. Don't worry I'll take care of you, I'll be Dr. Phil!" He said and laughed a bit and I did too because of his stupid little joke.

"Come on I'll get you all comfy on the couch." He gave me a hand offering to help me up but I refused it trying to prove that I'm okay. I stood back up and walked over to the couch but almost tripped, Phil grabbed my arm to steady me, "Wow when you're sick you're really uncoordinated aren't you?" He teased. "Sorry." I murmured as he carefully sat me down on the couch. "No, no it's fine. I'm a klutz too, don't worry about it. You should be lucky you have me here to help you, and I'll take good care of you." Phil responded as he fluffed one of the pillows before I laid my head down on it, then he draped a soft blanket over me and I cuddled into it.

"There you go, comfy?" He asked and I nodded, "Thank you."

"Of course, now lets see... Are you hungry? I can make you something." Phil offered.

I shrugged, "Eh.. Not really. But thank you."

Phil gave me a slightly concerned look but nodded, "Alright,but please tell me when you are."

"Okay." I simply responded.

"Hm... Do you wanna watch TV?" Phil asked grabbing the remote off of the table and handing it to me.

I took it and went on Netflix, scrolling through all the different series. "Voltron is good." Phil suddenly said.

I've heard of Voltron before, I've just never gotten around to watching it. I have nothing better to do so why not?

"Okay, thank you." I say and select it.

Phil smiles softly at me and sits in a chair near the couch where I lay, "I haven't watched it in a while and I don't want you to get lonely so I'll watch it with you."
"Alright that sounds good." I weakly smile back at Phil. I feel so drained and out of it.

Throughout it I kept having more mini coughing and sneezing fits and every time I broke out into one Phil got really concerned, I always ended up saying, "I'm fine, I'm fine. Don't worry." But I don't think Phil fully believed me. It's nice to have someone who cares though.

After I don't even know how many episodes because I was so out of it, I dozed off.

Phil's POV

I looked over at Y/N who was out like a light, I paused the episode we were on and went over and kissed her on her head then went to my room where I decided to record a video about Y/N. My fans should know about how we're together now.

I settled down, and turned on the camera, smiling brightly I did my intro, "Hey guys! So remember that livestream I did with Y/N a bit ago? And how a lot of you guys were shipping us... Well we kinda became a thing! Yes me, Phil Lester has a wonderful, adorable girlfriend. It's okay I'm still surprised too. S you guys are probably wondering how it happened... Welp strap yourselves in for this wild ride of a story..." I then proceeded to explain how me and Y/N got together and then rambled on about how much I like her and why I like her and just everything.

"Well guys, Y/N is sick so I'm gonna go and check on her and make sure she's doing okay. I'll keep you all updated on us." I winked and then finished up the video.

I did some quick editing and then posted it, titling it "I have a partner??" hopefully that'll also rile up the shippers of me and Dan.

Suddenly my phone went off, I pulled it out of my pocket. I had a text from Dan. Speaking of the Devil...

The text read,

"Phil, I'm out of money. I cant pay for the hotel anymore. Can I come back? Please. I'll stay away from Y/N if that's what you want. I'm still really sorry how that even happened... I feel completely shitty."

I sighed deeply, thinking about what to do for a bit.

Finally I responded, "You can come back. I don't want you being homeless, even though you did what you did. But yes when you come back, do be hesitant around Y/N."

A few minutes later Dan texted back, "Omg thank you, I'll repay you somehow. I'll be there soon."

I sighed again and went back to Y/N in the livingroom, she was still silently asleep. I decided to quickly take a shower because I didn't really know what else to do so y'know. Why not?

I headed to the bathroom and got in the shower.

Life Is Precious, Just Like Him - Phil Lester X Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now