Nightmares & Comforting

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"Y/N!" The teacher called my name during attendance, I didn't say here. I don't talk at school, others bullied me to the point of me technically becoming mute.

"Remember teacher she can't talk." A kid shouted out.

"Oh yeah she's mute." Another kid said.

"Who is Y/N I've never heard of her."

"She's probably a useless freak."

"Yeah she is and an idiot and no one likes her!"









"Go kill yourself!"

"No one will miss you!"

"Slit your wrists already."

The words swamped my brain getting louder and louder more voices joining in, I covered my ears and screamed, "NO SHUT UP... LEAVE ME BE!"

Then I was at home, I heard my parents screaming in another fight, suddenly my stepdad burst into my room. I was already crying in the corner of my bed, he picked me up my shirt and threw me on the ground and kicked me in the side hard in the side, then he threw his bottle at me. I covered my face so the glass didn't get in it but the glass stuck in arms instead I shrieked in pain and stepdad yelled, "Shut your fucking mouth you brat!"

Suddenly he pulled out a pocket knife and raised it over me, "I'll just do me and your mom and everyone else a favor and kill you here and now." And before I could do anything the knife swung down and stabbed me.

I jolted awake with a scream, and started bawling.

Suddenly the door to the dark room I was in opened and a figure stood there, "Y/N, there you are!" It was Phil, he knelt down by me and put a hand on my back rubbing it soothingly, "Are you okay? Why are you here in my room?"

I didn't reply, I couldn't for I was still too scared from my dream and Phil could tell I was so he pulled me into his arms. "Did you have a nightmare?" He asked gently. I nodded and hugged him back tightly, sobbing into his chest. "Was.... Was it about your past?" He hesitantly yet still lightly asked. I nodded again and he hugged me tighter, and rested his head on mine. "You're safe. No one will hurt you anymore, me and Dan will protect you even if you do get into danger... We will try to make sure you'll be okay. I haven't known you for more than a day but you seem really sweet and you've been through so much that you shouldn't have. But like I said the other time you're so very strong you've made it through so many other things alone. But you don't need to fight your problems alone anymore because I'm here as well as Dan to help you. You aren't alone anymore. I'm here for you..." Phil murmured, his voice soft and comforting. After a while I finally calmed down but still clung onto him because I liked the feeling of safeness Phil gave off. He patted my head and asked, "Are you okay now?"

I nodded, "I'm sorry..." I quietly said.

"No don't be I'll always be here if you need me." Phil responded. I smiled a bit and pulled away from the hug wiping my eyes, "Thanks, also I didn't mean to go into your room, when you and Dan were kinda like arguing and teasing each other I felt so awkward so I just grabbed my stuff and faded into the abyss."

"Haha it's fine, I'm sorry we made you feel that way. I guess I can tell Dan to keep our weird ways of interaction down a bit for your sake." Phil offered.

"No you don't have to!" I protested, "Just because I'm here you doesn't mean you need to change things."

"Actually you and Dan coming back so suddenly changed a lot but it's good. Because I've honestly been really lonely since Dan went to college but then earlier today he came back and brought a new friend!" A bright smile grew on Phils face which honestly was really cute.

"Aw I wonder who that new friend is..." I sarcastically responded. "Hm well she's actually really sweet and funny! Yeah she's had a bad past but oh well, I can at least make her future better along with Dan." Phil explained kinda going along with my joke.

"Oh then that person definitely isn't me." I said with a light smirk unable to hide it. "Hm what if it was though...." Phil pretended to think. "Well then I'd be lucky and feel special to finally have people to care and worry about me. Though Yeah, I've known Dan for longer than I've known you." I stated.

"Well that's great, and now you have me too.. Though I'm awkward and trash.." Phil trailed off. "No you're not! You're cute! I'm the awkward mess who's also trash." I exclaimed.

"Nah I'm not cute! You're the cute one." Phil blurted out. I blushed a bit but to hide my embarrassment I decided to tease phil instead, "Me? Cute? No definitely not. And also already hitting on me i see? God Phil you move too quickly at least takr me to dinner or something."

Phil looked surprised and honestly flustered, "I-Umm."

Suddenly Dan appeared in the doorway, leaning against the frame, "Alright lovebirds dinners actually ready so stop your disgusting flirting before I vomit."

"What?! We weren't actually flirting! We've only known each other for like a day!" I exclaimed and Phil just sat there looking like he was gonna explode with flusteredness.

"Yeah yeah yeah, keep telling yourselves that and get your lazy asses up." Dan replied, "What's even for dinner?" I questioned as phil stood up then reached down a hand to help me up. "A high class 5 star meal." Dan said as we followed him out into the kitchen, "Ramen for three." He stated as he gestured to the table.

"Oooh fancy." Phil said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. I shrugged, "Honestly not really but it works for me. I'm used to meals like this since both Dan and I are bad cooks and so most of our meals in college consisted of microwavable things." I told Phil.

"That's dan for ya." Phil laughed as Dan offensively exclaimed, "Hey!"

I laughed too and went to sit down but phil exclaimed, "Wait!" Startling me. He pulled my chair out and kinda bowed, "M'lady." I rolled my eyes but sat down, "Thank you what a gentleman." I complimented, "But you could've done without almost yelling and scaring me."

"Yeah Phil, don't scare Y/N into a panic attack." Dan smirked as he teased Phil.

"But im to precious to scare or harm anyone." Phil complained. "Hm that is true." I agreed.

"Precious my ass." Dan snorted.

And with that we started eating, talking and honestly teasing each other though it was pretty much only fun playful teasing. I haven't known Phil long but I'm already starting to like him more. These two, especially Phil hopefully will make my life much more brighter.

Life Is Precious, Just Like Him - Phil Lester X Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now