Dan's Back

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Still Phil's POV because why not, he deserves love too

After I finished my shower I put on some normal black jeans and a tee shirt and started blow drying my hair, I wasn't able to fully dry my hair though because I heard a scream from the livingroom. It was Y/N.

I rushed out and saw that she was still asleep, but she was thrashing around in her sleep. And Dan was by her.

"When did you get here?" I asked Dan as I went to Y/N's side. "I just got here. But that doesn't matter, I'm pretty sure Y/N is having a Fever dream. I watched your video so I know she's sick, but when I was her dormmate she would get Fever Dreams or really bad nightmares quite often. And it's hard to wake her from them." Dan explained.

"I've dealt with her once when she had a nightmare." I stated. Dan shrugged, "Well actually that was after she woke up from it. I remember walking in on you two and she was already calmed down."

"Hm true, but we have to try to wake her up." I said as I shook Y/N's shoulder, "Y/N, Y/N wake up." I say but she just whines in her sleep.

I kept lightly shaking her, "Y/N, You're just dreaming, it's a nightmare. Wake up!"

Still she won't awaken.

Dan sighed, and carefully picked her up cradling her in his arms. I gave him a confused look but said nothing, he's known Y/N longer than I have so he probably knows what he's doing. Y/N whined and moved around a bit, still stuck in her nightmare. Dan suddenly started softly stroking her and humming a song, and slowly but surely Y/N calmed down and relaxed. "Y/N...." Dan called quietly, yet loud enough to justle her from her sleep, "Y/N. Wake up."

And then Y/N flickered her eyes open, she was breathing quickly and shaking, even though she had calmed down she was obviously still shooken up from her dream.

I grabbed her hand, "Hey you're safe. It was just a nightmare." I said softly. Y/N took a deep breath and sat up and scooted out of Dan's lap more towards me, once she noticed him. She looked surprised but not scared. "When did you get back?" She asked.

"Not that long ago. I came back at the perfect time though because Phil wasn't able to wake you from your nightmare, I needed to do what I did the few times when you had your really bad nightmares in college." Dan stated.

"Oh, thank you." She responded and Dan just nodded.

There was a few seconds of silence, no one knew what to say. That was until Dan spoke up, "Listen I'm sorry abo-"

"It's fine." Y/N quickly cut him off, "It's fine. People do dumb things even they're drunk. I know you wouldn't actually harass someone if you were sober. Drinking does bad stuff to people that's why I don't like it, I don't trust it. But people make mistakes. I'm actually kinda glad you're back, I kinda missed you."

Dan looked surprised for a second but then smiled, "I'm glad, I thought you'd permanently hate me."

"You're lucky I'm forgiving and you're one of my best friends." Y/N stated smiling but then broke out into a coughing fit. I patted her back, "You should still rest more." I informed her. Y/N nodded, "I know but I'm afraid to fall back asleep."

I thought for a few seconds, "How about we can cuddle? I have a good immune system so I doubt I'll get sick."

"Awh I'd love to, but are you sure? I'd feel awful if I got you sick..."

"Just go cuddle you lovebirds." Dan cut in with a little snicker, "You're such a stereotypical overly caring for each other couple."

"And do you have a problem with that?" Y/N sassed, obviously joking though.

"No, no, no definitely not." Dan playfully and defensively responded.

"Okay then it's settled, come on Y/N." I stood up and suddenly picked Y/N up bridal style causing her to shriek with surprise and I laughed a bit.

"Have fun, but not too much fun!" Dan called as I brought her back to my room and gently set her down in my bed then laid down with her, she scooted close to me and I wrapped my arms around her pulling her closer, I could feel her warmth radiating off of her.

"I can hear your heartbeat." Y/N said.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, it's relaxing." She replied.

I smiled and ran my hand through her soft hair, stroking it. "That's good, you deserve to relax."

"Heh, do I really?"

"Of course, love."

"Love?" She repeated.

"Yep. We're dating so I have the right to call you cute partner names." I said.

She laughed a bit, "It's cute. Just like you."

"Nahh definitely not. Me? Cute? I have no clue what you're talking about."

She lifted her head to look at me straight in the face, "Yes, yes you are! Don't deny it."

"Make me not deny it." I challenged.


I shrugged, "Dunno."

Y/N paused to think, then suddenly kissed me on the lips, softly but passionately. I kissed back and a few seconds later she pulled away and laid her head back down on my chest.

"That doesn't justify me being cute." I stated.

"Shh yes it does." She replied.

"You're such a dork." I rolled my eyes.

"That's coming from one."

"Hah, alright that's true." I agreed.

Y/N didn't reply. I looked down at her and she was starting to doze off.


"Hm?" She sleepily answered.

"I'm glad you're mine, I love you." I sweetly say.

"I love you too, Phil." Y/N responded but the words were slurred together from her being half asleep.

I kissed her on the top of the head and left her to rest, eventually I fell asleep too.

Life Is Precious, Just Like Him - Phil Lester X Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now