Prologue ~Peculiar~

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Julietta Belle Elise Goldwood was one of the most peculiar and talented students to ever walk the halls of Hogwarts. She was a Goldwood first of all, a family that is shrouded in secrecy. They are one of the oldest wizarding families and were rich beyond comprehension. They were billionaires before billionaires were even a thing. She spent her entire childhood traveling from mansion to mansion with her tutors, maids, chefs, nannies, and pets. This was until her Grandmother asked her to attend Hogwarts. Loving her Grandmother very much she complied with her dying wish.

The next peculiar thing about Julietta was her appearance. Her hair was pure white like an old ladies. Her eyes were a bright violet color that drew people in, kidnapping their minds and placing them in a hypnotized trance. She had a slim build but muscles still were present on her tiny body. Despite being small she still captured the attention of everyone when she walked into a room. People were captivated by her whenever they met her. She didn't notice her beauty but others certainly did. Her Nannies regularly had to send away people who had fallen for the young girl. Being beautiful never fazed the girl one bit, it was just another thing that came with being a Goldwood.

Her looks and family name could be looked over once you saw her magical ability. She didn't use a wand as no wand had ever connected with her. She merely waved her hand and magic did her bidding just like everybody else. She never did spells, she just thought of what she wanted to happen and it did. She never did magic that she saw pointless. If she was told to do something and she did not see a point in doing it she wouldn't. Her magic was based purely on practicality and fun. Magic just seemed to consume her, you could sense the power coming off of her. Magic was something that often just happened to her and with her. It didn't require effort or thinking a lot of the time it just did its own thing. You see she danced beautifully with magic while others tried to control it she just embraced it. She never tried to tame the magic inside her like other children did.

The last and most peculiar thing about this young girl was that she was able to tame a dark beast. She, using the impressive magical ability that she was born with managed to make Tom Riddle feel love. She made him feel something that wasn't anger and hate. He loved this girl the same way he loved the dark arts. In a twisted and obsessive way but it was love none the less. She saw the most evil, emotionless parts of him and she was okay with it. He saw the darkness in her light and beauty, she saw the light and beauty in his darkness. She didn't mind the Horcruxes and the dark arts but she drew a line at murder. That's how they fell apart, they never fell out of love but they did fall apart. None the less she captured the heart of the heartless causing a chain of events that changed the course of history.

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