Chapter 25 ~The Scales~

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By the time the train pulled into Hogwart everyone had heard that Tom and Julietta had gotten out of a car together. People had been reminded that they had spent their vacation together. Adorned in the Muggle fashion of the time, every single person was mesmerized by Julietta. Unnoticed by Julietta everyone was staring at her, but Tom certainly noticed. He was tempted to turn a few people blind. Back in Papua New Guinea, they didn't often leave the house. When they did leave every few days, Tom could keep his hand placed possessively on her back marking his territory. Back in London, he couldn't do in case someone saw. 

"So Julietta. Is it true?" asked Maria and Julietta answered "Is what true? If you are referring to the rumors about Tom Riddle and I then no." Maria raised her eyebrows but didn't comment. Some people weren't as happy with that answer. When they were in potions class the two were sat next to each other as per usual. Slughorn made his way over to them. "How are my two star students? You didn't happen to forge a romantic relationship while hunting the Lethifold did you?" asked Slughorn and Julietta lied "Of course not, Professor. We are friends and nothing more. Tom did get a tiny bit friendly with one of the girls that came with us." 

"Julietta I wasn't sure if you were aware that lying is a sin?" glared Tom and Julietta laughed "My apologies Tom. I was just teasing you." Nobody had ever heard someone joke with Tom Riddle and get away with it. Even though they were denying rumors they somehow managed to encourage them at the same time. "You two are done. You can both go," said Slughorn as per usual. They had a free period next so they went straight to the chamber. While Tom went straight into the homework they were given in ancient runes, Julietta, on the other hand, went over to the large basilisk. She pat it as she usually did, letting her hand stroke the cool scales. 

A glass toppled off a table smashing to the ground. In a one in a million chance, Tom Riddle did something clumsy. In a one in a million chance, Julietta Goldwood reacted on human instinct and opened her eyes in shock. The odds of it happening with these two people were near impossible but unfortunately, it did. Julietta opened eyes and they met with the eyes of the basilisk through the reflection on the floor. She froze before she could realize what had happened. Her body fell to the floor stuck in the posion she was in. Tom flew to her side. Instead of like last time when he panicked, he was smart. A potion he made just in case flew into his hand as he used accio to get it. He slowly poured the potion into her open mouth. 

Having a basilisk around meant something could happen. A Mandrake Restorative Draught was kept in the chamber just in case things turned sour. He doubted he would have to use it but it was always good to have a plan B. Now he thanked a God he didn't believe in, that he had it. Slowly Julietta returned to consciousness with Tom's arms wrapped tightly around her. He gave her a long sweet kiss before he carried her to the bed they kept in the chamber. Once he was sure she was okay his face turned from worried to furious. "Thomas what are you doing?" asked Julietta and he replied "I'm killing it. You could have died. If I hadn't had that potion you could have spent months in that coma." Julietta got off the bed, at first she was unstable but soon enough she was chasing after him.

"Thomas don't you dare. It was a mistake. No one is to blame here, I am fine. Thomas look at me!" shouted Julietta. Since he refused to listen to her she quickly performed expelliarmus making his wand fly out of his hands. Normally he would be able to stop that but he wasn't focused and he didn't expect it. "We can't let this go unpunished," said Tom as he made his wand fly back into his hand. "There is no crime to punish. It was an accident!" said Julietta as she pulled him away from the animal. Confused but sensing her master's anger the basilisk slithered out of sight. "You are lucky she cares." hissed Tom in Parseltongue while it slid out of sight. Julietta held onto his side in case she let go and went after the poor animal.

Tom pulled Julietta to him and they had an explosive kiss. "You die and that is when I snap. That is when the last little piece of sanity inside of me floats off into the distance. Your death and I kill them all. Without care or thought I would murder every single person until they find a way to stop me." said Tom as he held Julietta to him. Their bodies were pressed to each others and the intensity of Tom's words fizzled between them. "I guess I better not die then." whispered Julietta and Tom answered, "You mustn't." Julietta understood the weight placed on her shoulders. 

That night as she lied in bed awake she thought about them. After school what would happen. She doubted that Tom would let her go but she oddly didn't mind. Part of her wanted to drag them both to the island where time froze but that would be cruel. It would be like caging two birds when they should be able to soar to their full potential. After school, she didn't know what to do. Julietta was good at everything and enjoyed most things. There were thousands of paths she could pick. A vague idea filled her head of what Tom wanted but she couldn't know. Normally she planned for the worst or didn't plan at all so daydreaming about the future felt mundane and stupid. 

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