Chapter 30 ~The Accent~

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It was the weekend when the two lovers rose from their bed. A smirk covered Tom's face and Julietta looked at him curiously. "So I wasn't aware you were my Fiance." grinned Tom and Julietta rolled her eyes. He grabbed her bare waist and pulled her into him. The two hugged each other for a few minutes. The two were acutely aware that Julietta was in a bra and underwear while Tom was also in his underwear. Sparks flew from the bare skin that was touching. Tom was relieved to have Juiletta back in his arms. He was a fool for ever thinking she was better off without him. Maybe she was better off without her but she didn't care and neither did he at this point. When questioned as to why she wasn't in her bed the night before she answered "I never went to be. I stayed up all night wandering around the grounds in hopes that I would get tired. My eyelids never grew heavy so there was no point."

Weeks passed with a sense of normality. No one found out about the little fight they had earlier. Their relationship was not for public scrutiny. As far as everyone was concerned they were as happy as ever. Despite the fact no one saw them kiss the small touches became the talk of the school every time they merely talked. Everyone seems to love a love story and the school soon became obsessed. Whispers chased them and followed after them as they walked the halls together. Before Julietta had gone to the school many had been obsessed with Tom Riddle. The Goldwoods had been the gossip of the Wizarding world for a millennium. With the two together combined they never left the minds of any of the students for too long. 

One Sunday Julietta came to the Great Hall for breakfast dressed entirely in black. Like most people, Julietta would often wear some black but she didn't wear all black very often. She had a black hat with a veil covering a large part of her face. People stared at her normally but today she got extra looks. "Why are you wearing a veil?" asked Jezebel and a stone-faced Julietta answered "It is the anniversary of my parent's death. I am meeting my siblings after breakfast." Nobody really spoke after that. They didn't want to offend Julietta and they had no idea why she seemed so okay with bringing up her families deaths. As the meal was drawing to a close Amon Goldwood walked into the great hall. People swooned at the handsome man while Julietta just stood up. Amon's deep blue eyes searched the room before they landed on Tom Riddle. The two gave a nod before Amon made his way to his sister. The nod said plenty. That nod told Tom that if he did ever hurt Julietta, Amon and Kadia would hunt him down and make sure he suffered the most painful death imaginable. That nod said that until he did hurt Julietta the family would support the two being together.

Amon and Julietta hugged for a few seconds before Amon led Julietta out of the Great Hall. "If only I had those genes." sighed Maria as they walked out. Everyone agreed with her as there was no one as perfect as the Goldwoods. They were put on a pedestal. As Amon and Julietta got into a car Amon asked: "Who was the teacher who was sitting at the left end of the front table?" Julietta quickly drew up the image of the teacher's table in her head and quickly identified her as Miss Iverly the charms teacher. She was smart and young but rather quite for a teacher. "Miss Celestia Iverly our charms teacher. Why do you ask brother?" questioned Julietta and Amon responded "I knew her once. I should write her a letter." The teacher was too fixated on her book to even notice someone walked into the room. "Nevermind that, we have a reservation." In a manner of seconds, the car was outside a very private and very exclusive restaurant.

As they walked in even the richest and most famous wizards stared in awe at the two siblings. They were led to a private room where they found their sister waiting with a woman. The woman's hair quickly changed from a brown shoulder length cut to a pink pixie cut. "I thought this was siblings only or else Julietta could have brought her toy of a boyfriend." scowled Amon and Kadia answered "Brother be nice. This is my girlfriend and I would like you all to meet her, this is Coral." Everyone sat down and Coral became increasingly uncomfortable. "Maybe it would have been wise to introduce us at another time instead of the anniversary of our parent's death," suggested Julietta as she sipped at wine. 

"Muggle-borns aren't usually metamorphmagus. What is that like? What do you think of the dragons? Do you intend to have children and if so who would be the Mother and who would be the sperm donor? Do your parents know that you are a lesbian witch?" interrogated Amon and Coral happily answered "I like being a metamorphmagus, it's fun. I think the dragons are kinda cute but impractical. I don't want kids. My parents disowned me. I am sorry for your loss by the way. I am so happy to meet you all. Now should we order because I am craving some seafood." The girl was happy and jolly. Her Australian accent was very present and she just babbled on. Amon and Julietta gave Kadia a look saying that they weren't happy meeting her at that time but they did accept her. 

Throughout the lunch, it was mainly Coral talking and asking all kinds of questions. Kadia stared lovingly at the girl as she talked about everything from Grindelwald to wether wizarding candy was better than Muggle candy. Julietta was returned to school, Amon returned to his work, and Kadia and Coral rode a dragon home to Australia. 

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