Chapter 13 ~The dragon~

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Julietta woke up and began to pack her belongings in a small purse. She filled it with a few school books and other things she might need over the Christmas holidays. She wasn't packing any clothes as she had a closet at every house her family owned. Despite the lack of need she still placed an extendable extension charm on every bag she owned as a mere precaution. As she spent that morning packing she didn't have time for a run so she was already on edge from breaking her favorite habit. Never the less she had packed for her sister as she had asked. Knowing her sister she would be furious if Julietta was ever unprepared so she packed instead of running.

Julietta was sitting in the dining hall at lunch when the school caretaker ran into the great hall shouting "There is a dragon on the Quidditch pitch! There is a dragon on the Quidditch pitch! Professor Dippet, Sir, you better come quick." Julietta sighed knowing this was her sisters doing. She wasn't stupid but there were times in Julietta's life when she underestimated just how dramatic her sister could be. She began to walk out onto the Quidditch pitch while every other student around her ran to catch a glimpse of the great creature.

When Julietta arrived she saw her sister straddling a dragon she recognized as an Antipodean Opaleye. Her sister had loved dragons for many years and over time Julietta had learned every type and what they do purely by listing to her sister ramble on about them. It had a beautiful pearly white sheen and she had wondered how her sister had managed to drag it so far away from New Zealand, its home country. The dragon was obviously fond of her sister as it was practically purring while Kadia scratched it behind its ears. She smiled at how her sister treated a large dragon like the small puppy they had as children.

Julietta walked through the crowd to her sister and they separated as she through them. She saw her sister properly and saw her long blonde hair tied back in a long braid. She had tight brown leather riding pants on with a matching jacket. Her bright green eyes matched the necklace adorning her neck. It had a silver chain with a large emerald that had the Goldwood family's crest on it in diamonds and white gold. Like her sister's necklace, Kadia's necklace matched her eyes perfectly. Julietta made her way to her sister and her dragon while her friends stared shocked.

"Must you always take things too far Kadia?" Julietta sighed as she looked at her sister atop of the dragon. "I never take things too far my darling little sister" Kadia declared and Julietta laughed "You landed a dragon on my schools Quidditch field instead of sending one of our family chauffeurs in one of our many many cars. You could have sent a carriage but instead, you thought it would be a good idea to bring a dragon?" Kadia nodded before a frown covered her face. "Your uniform is disgusting. What would our family designer say if he ever saw you in that." snapped Kadia before pulling out her wand and pointing it at her sister. The clothes on Julietta's back changed into a short pair of leather shorts, a long woolen shirt, and a leather vest. It was similar to the dragon riding gear that her sister wore.

"Come along Julietta. Our Brother is waiting on the Island for our return. Say goodbye to your little friends and then we must leave." Kadia announced before Julietta went to hug her friends. She quickly said her goodbyes and answered her friend's questions before they could be asked. "This is my older sister. She works with dragons and occasionally rides them. We will be spending Christmas on one of our private islands at this address if you need to send a letter." she said while handing them an address written on a small piece of paper. Then Julietta threw her sister her bag and reluctantly climbed on the back of the large dragon. She hugged her sisters back as a quick affectionate greeting before returning to the riding saddle placed on the dragon for her.

The dragon began to flap its wings and they started climbing higher and higher until the students looked like mear blurs down below. She ran her hands over the pearly scale of the dragon smiling at its beauty. Her sister may have landed a dragon at her school but it was a stunning dragon none the less. She laughed when she remembered the shocked looks on everyone's faces at the sight of the dragon. Her sister quickly joined in knowing what she was thinking. They began to laugh with each other, something they haven't done together in years. Julietta and her sibling haven't laughed together in a while as their entire family was deceased. First, it was a grandparent Julietta didn't really remember, then it was her parents and she was there and then slowly one by one the rest of her family passed leaving the three siblings alone. Now it was them and they didn't often spend time with each other teaching the three Goldwoods how to be alone.

The siblings caught up twice a year the majority of the time. Once at the Christmas holidays when everyone was taking time off. Once at the anniversary of their parent's deaths. Sometimes they would meet up by accident and spend time then. Sometimes when Julietta would travel from house to house she would happen to clash with her sibling's travels but one of them would leave the other alone soon enough. They would send each other letters once a week so they were aware of what was happening in the others lives. It was a strange and unusual relationship but the siblings didn't care. They were happy observing each other's lives from the sideline instead of trying to become entrenched and ingrained in the lives of their siblings. Yet they met twice a year and spent time with their remaining family.

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