Chapter 12 ~The confession~

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Jezebel awoke with a gasp. She hadn't expected to be lying on Oscar's bed with him right beside her. She looked at him with adoration and love in her eyes. She walked outside Honeydukes after having an epiphany that she was in love with her best friend. She had never fainted before but in that moment she had never been so shocked and she just collapsed. As she looked at him she soon realized she was in love.

She stood up knowing he wouldn't wake as he was such a heavy sleeper. She stood over him before gently laying a kiss right on his lips. It was soft and sensual, as delicate as a kiss can be. It surprised many in later years to find out this was her first kiss. She was rather pretty and very fun so it shocked many. No one was surprised that this was Oscars first kiss as he had always been saving himself for Jezebel. She separated their lips after a few seconds before whispering "I just realized I love you, Oscar. I have always loved you but now it is different. It's such a cliche and we were supposed to be the female, male friendship that didn't fall in love. Not that you have fallen in love with me. Anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest."

She left the room silently with a heavy heart. She didn't notice but one of Oscar's roommates, Kace, was awake and listening as she made her confession. He rolled his eyes at the fact the two friends were clearly in love with each other. The worse thing is that everyone knew it but them. It was like watching paint dry as they waited for them to get together. He shook his head as he watched her walk out of their dorm. It was always obvious that Oscar loved Jezebel but no one was ever sure if it was mutual. Now he knew for a fact it was he was going to do something about it.

Julietta walked around the castle with her sister on her mind. She didn't understand why this was filling her thoughts so much. She walked around a corner and saw Tom Riddle wandering down a corridor. "I didn't know you found crystalized pineapple appealing. I didn't expect you to have that kind of palette," said Julietta referring to the crystalized pineapple she saw him buying in Honeydukes earlier that day. "Well, your assumptions about my palette are correct. The pineapple is for Professor Slughorn, not me." he answered and Julietta laughed "I am surprised you have to bribe the Professor. I doubt he could adore you any more than he already does. Goodbye Riddle, I should leave before you lock me up for wandering the halls at night. Do me a favor and keep it a secret Mr. Prefect."

It was the next morning and all of Jezebel's friends and Oscar's friends were sitting in a large group at breakfast. Oscar and Jezebel were sitting right in the middle of them all while Kace was pulling his hair out in frustration. He finally snapped and shouted "That's it! Oscar, Jezebel is in love with you. Jezebel, Oscar is in love with you. Now kiss, get it over and done with so we can all move on with our lives." Much to Kace's frustration they just awkwardly tried to avoid eye contact with each other. So he stood up, stormed over to where they were sitting and he pushed their lips on to each other's. He then stormed out of the great hall while the others watched in shock.

"Well don't pretend like it's not true, we all know it. Now everybody lets leave so those two can have a moment alone," ordered Julietta and everyone followed her out of the great hall leaving those two sitting alone at the table. Oscar and Jezebel sat alone avoiding each other's gaze before Jezebel broke the silence "Is it true? Are you in love with me?" Oscar gulped and then nodded hesitantly. "Now that we are dating you mustn't tell your Mother or my Father because they will have our weddings planned before you can say I do. Also if you ever dare take me on a date to Madam Puddifoot's tea shop I will kill you."

She drowned the last of her coffee before leaving the table before Oscar could even realize what was happening. Oscar quickly composed himself and ran after Jezebel. He caught up to her panting and asked: "So are we really a couple?" Jezebel just held an expression that screamed duh. Oscar still looked shocked so Jezebel grabbed either side of his face and kissed him. Before Oscar had time to comprehend anything they were kissing. The world around them had faded as they could only think about this moment. I was exactly how a first kiss should be, awkward yet full of craving for a taste they never knew they wanted.

They broke apart and stood there hugging for a few minutes. They separated and began walking to class as they usually did. They were laughing and joking with each other as they always did. They weren't going to let a few confessions of love change their friendship. People fall in and out of love every day but a friendship like theirs is strong enough to survive a romantic relationship. The only difference was now they were holding hands as they walked to class. People stared and wondered but the two only laughed at their shocked expressions.

After class Oscar, Jezebel and their friends celebrated in the kitchens with cake and butterbeer. Julietta was missing as she was sitting in the Slytherin's chamber doing her homework. The basilisk watched her wondering if she should report back to her lord about the strange girl invading their chambers but he was told to stay put. His master had told her she could no longer leave the chambers so she stayed and watched her work. She was also supposed to be in hibernation but the girl woke her so now she watched her as it was far more interesting than sleeping.

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