Chapter 19 ~The duel~

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It had been a week since Julietta and Tom had kissed in the chamber and yet nothing had changed. They were still friends. They hadn't talked about it because they didn't need to. It happened, it might happen again and there was nothing else to know. It was a kiss. Being dramatic about it would only create drama for the two so they decided not to worry about it. They weren't ignoring it, as the two of them had both accepted the kiss. They didn't need to be awkward like other teenagers their age as they were better than that. 

They were sitting in defense against the dark arts bored as usual. "Class today we will be dueling. Your partners are on the board so the first pair can come up." announced the professor. It was obvious to everyone with a brain bigger than a Flobberworm's that the professor had made it so the best were dueling the best and the worst were dueling the worst. So sure enough at the very bottom of the list was Tom Riddle and Julietta Goldwood. The two waited calmly as the duels went from pathetic to rather entertaining until it was finally their turn. 

The two stood up without a word and began. Not a sound was heard throughout the room other than the occasional gasp from the amazed students. It was spell after spell being fried without more than a second between them. They both used nonverbal magic and spells that were beyond everyone at this school. One would throw a spell, another would shield it and they would continue. A rouge spell would be throw occasionally that would create a lion of fire or a large snake but they were quickly removed. Soon enough the class was over and other students wanded into the room. Soon enough the two of them had gathered a large crowd. The room was tightly packed excluding the small circle they were dueling in. 

They were evenly matched in every way with neither one finding a way to get the upper hand. After almost two hours Julietta had developed an effective plan. Twenty spells, in short, quick succession and she had finally sent the winning spell. Tom Riddle was thrown back against the wall of the classroom. People watched in awe as the girl bet Tom Riddle. He looked weak and tired for a few moments before regaining his composure. The crowd split in two as he walked over to where the victor was. He held out his hand and Julietta shook it strengthening their relationship. The two walked out of the room, side by side to their chamber. People left a meter gap now completely aware of the power they had. They may as well had advertised their skills on a giant neon billboard.

This changed Tom Riddle's mind. He had never been bested before and yet this one girl could beat him. Part of him was angry, furious even and this part of him wanted to destroy her. To crumble her into little pieces then burn them. To make her feel so much pain she would lose her mind and every piece of her sanity. He wanted to train and learn until he could easily beat her, until he could easily beat everyone. The other part of him was proud of her that he had beat her. He was amazed and hypnotized by the brains and skill she had. He liked it. Being around someone that could balance out his wits. He didn't plan to let anyone other than her ever beat him ever again.

Julietta was rather smug and happy with the results of the duel. Say what you will about Julietta Goldwood but she loved a challenge and dueling Tom Riddle was a challenge. It entertained her, it gave her purpose. She had never had so much fun while dueling. The two reached the chamber and made their way to the two green armchairs placed there by Tom Riddle. "You were amazing. I've never had such a challenge before. I must say, Thomas, you were absolutely brilliant." Julietta blurted out and Tom laughed bitterly. "I didn't even win. Though you flatter me I wasn't brilliant." Julietta shook her head about how misinformed he was. He was so smart in so many ways and yet he was completely foolish sometimes. "Brilliance isn't about winning Thomas. You are too focused on becoming great and winning everything. Put everything in perspective Thomas my dearest friend. We gave Hogwarts the best duel they have probably ever seen. Be happy Thomas. We were bloody brilliant. Come on Thomas admit it we were delightful. It was exhilarating, being in a duel like that." Tom shrugged causing Julietta to roll her eyes at him.

Tom smiled at her. A real smile, not one caused by someone else's pain or misery. It wasn't a smirk or snigger but a real smile based on genuine joy. He didn't have many of these and the only few he had were caused by Julietta. Julietta and her actions gave him true happiness like his snake and learning. In some way he loved her. He wasn't supposed to love, it wasn't what he was born to do. He may not love Julietta yet but he cared about her, he was possessive of her and he wanted her to be safe. Soon enough they would be completely in love.

They kissed again which persuaded Tom Riddle to ask "Will you be my partner?" Julietta raised an eyebrow "Partner in what Thomas?" questioned Julietta. Tom quickly replied "You know what type of partner. Don't make me have to explain it to you like you are one of the dumb witted teenagers that full this school. You're better than that Julietta." Julietta laughed at his honesty and answered "Well Thomas. Goodbye, my dear partner." Then she packed up her things before making their way back to her dormitory. Tom smiled smugly at how he got the girl. This would normally be above them but the two were happy and they liked someone for the first time ever.

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